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On June 29, 2021 Donald Rumslfeld, to the immense benefit of America, Humanity and Mother Earth, passed on to the Known Unknown we call death. Before that he did a bunch of politics, most notably as Secretary of Defense during the first Bush administration. During which time, on February 12 , 2002 he said, in response to increased pressure and pushback and outrage regarding all the many and substantiated reports coming back from Iraq that no Weapons Of Mass Destruction—the only other enjoyable byproduct of the war in Iraq that I’m aware (#39)—had been found because they didn’t exist and he but he was still trying to stall and lie about their fictional-ness.
“’Reports that say that something hasn’t happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don’t know we don’t know.”
In 2002 I was thirty-two years old and while I considered Donald Rumsfeld to be a deplorable monster, I was very very very very stoked on this new phrase-idea he had just introduced to me even though, at the time, I thought he was just making shit up and having fun with the english language in an effort obfuscate.
Turns out Philosophers and Navy Seals have known about Known Knowns, Known Unknowns and Unknown Unknowns for hundreds and hundreds of years because it’s a solid framework and/or way of thinking for stuff like Risk Assessment, Analytical Sciences and Mythical State of Philosophies including but not limited to Line Planning and Product Development.
Speaking of which, here are some products we’re currently working on regarding which we’d love your feedback. Please let us know what you think. Seriously, let’s get this Product Development conversation started.
Rose Bowl—JPL—ride up the Gab Trail to Clear Creek—crossover the 2—ride up Josephine Fireroad to Josephine Saddle—stash bike and gear—run/scramble/approach up the “mountaineers route” (look for cairns and painted arrows) to the top of Strawberry Peak—meditate at the top about how Algorithms are killing creativity—run/parkour over yuccas on the way back down—grab bike and gear–ride the singletrack around the back Strawberry through upper and lower meadows and Lawler’s saddle—cross the 2 at Redbox—ride the close road up to Mt Disappointment—disassemble your bike at the top of Supercloud and strap it to your pack—canyoneer your way down Supercloud—at the bottom hike out to the top of Gab—reassemble your bike and ride down the single track back to JPL and from there to the Rose Bowl.
More than a reliable purpose, a destination, or extensive provisioning, any Subject Athlete / Cardio Goth / Endurance Cult Member headed Inside The Outside requires for success in any endeavor or pursuit only a quality Blanket or Towel. Either can be fashioned into a jacket, as in a capote, or a cloak or cape. They can be used to wrap and therefore protect your valuables during travel, as well as camouflage said valuables regrettably but necessarily left overnight in an old car in a dimly lit motel parking lot. For drying, warmth and a place to sit and/or change pre-and-post hot spring, swim hole, hobo slap, etc. Or, as a bedroll; a napkin (albeit an oversized napkin); a pillow; a sack or makeshift bag; a brightly colored and nicely delineated picnic or lunch spot; for love-making; in defense against nearly feral or overly habituated animals; a lightweight saddle alternative; fire containment; and for bivouacking and/or enhancing an otherwise primitive shelter. For wound care and poultices. For protection against the elements like dust, wind, direct sunlight, etc., as well as volatile and/or tempestuous weather. For insulation, be it fixed, semi-permanent or temporary. To appear period-correct, if said period is the whole of the 1800s and/or right now. As a regular blanket and/or ad-hoc, burrito-style mummy bag. And finally, if need be, both can be soaked in various nutrients, broths, herbs and tinctures for later oral or topical application.
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