

August looks to be a winning month for you Aries! On the 4th, a Leo New Moon in your Fifth House of play, including PHYSICAL recreation or sport, shines a new light on your potential in all things athletic. The Sun is your traditional co-ruler, the luminary that is exalted in the sign of Aries, so while in its sign of domicile, it is most potent. You may see fantastic opportunities for achievement in the weeks following the New Moon. A major element of your success this month is the Mars-Jupiter conjunction that forms in your Gemini Third House and comes to a culmination by mid-month, on August 14th. Mars is the signifier of fight, courage and arduous effort, while the Third House is a place traditionally associated with the summoning of our bodily will towards a particular goal and the MENTAL state we cultivate on a daily basis. As Mars meets the signifier of achievement, beneficence and growth, Jupiter, in this part of your chart, they together offer you vigor, confidence and the potential for triumph. Although Mercury, planet of cognition and thought processes, ruler of your Third House, is retrograde until August 28th. You’ll likely require a less cerebral, more intuitive approach to strategy in all endeavors this month, with some incredible insights arriving from left field. The Aquarius Full Moon in your Eleventh House on August 19th highlights your networks of support. It’s a period of SPIRITUAL and EMOTIONAL clarity as Venus, planet of collaboration, opposes crystalizing Saturn, ruler of the Full Moon, in your contemplative Pisces Twelfth House. It should become very clear who is truly on your team at this time. These allies or colleagues will be standing by your side in victory!


An EMOTIONAL refresh is possible in regards to your relationship with finances and resources this month. On August 4th, there is an initiating Leo New Moon in your foundational Fourth House, with an aspect to an empowered Mars-Jupiter rendezvous in your Gemini Second House of earnings and material possessions. Meanwhile, Venus, your ruler and the planet of values, is strongly stimulated by innovative Uranus in pragmatic Taurus. This indicates that you’re undergoing an internal refinement of your sense of worth, correlating with a newfound confidence in money matters. As Venus enters your Virgo Fifth House of play, PHYSICALITY and recreational modalities the next day, she’s in a special condition called planetary joy, so is especially generous with her gifts. Now is a time to invest in those kinds of Endurance Pursuits which combine both leisure and epic adventure like throwing a weekend long nature party featuring gravel, swimming holes and mountain peak stargazing events. Just be careful of overspending, as the enthusiastic, spontaneous and undisciplined Gemini Mars-Jupiter combo could easily burn a massive hole in your pocket! Some sense of SPIRITUAL or existential anxiety could arise at August 19th’s Aquarius Full Moon, especially as related to your role in the world. There is tension between a more subconscious sense of purpose, potentially inherited or ancestral in nature, versus the identity you’ve cultivated outside of your familial home. Thanks to a dynamic aspect to Uranus, rebelliousness is likely to seize the day. Yet, innovative Uranus spurs profoundly innovative solutions, as MENTAL Mercury is in the mix. A more risk-taking mindset in regards to your public and professional life, could lead to an increased income.


On August 4th, a Leo New Moon in your Third House of our habitual MENTAL state initiates a two week long period of potent reformation of your mindset. This reclamation of your outlook is potentiated throughout the month though, supported by your ruling planet, Mercury, entering retrograde. The planet of cognition and communication begins its process of reflection, reassessment and realignment in your sister sign of Virgo on August 5th, your Fourth House of private life and your EMOTIONAL foundation. It’s time to clarify how subconscious dynamics, often inherited or entrenched from childhood, could be impacting your current mental health. Seeking some sense of legibility regarding less discernible feelings, especially in the form of talk therapy, honest conversations with loved ones, or some other verbal or written means, like journaling, is an excellent way to approach this transit. Once Mercury re-enters your Leo Third House with a conjunction to the enlightening Sun on August 18th, there could be radical cerebral rebirth. The Sun-Mercury conjunction forms an electrifying aspect to the signifier of quantum leaps, Uranus. Changing one’s mind in profoundly liberating ways is encouraged by this transit, in addition to receiving life altering insight, out of the blue. This has SPIRITUAL implications as well, as the next day, August 19th, there is a climactic Aquarius Full Moon in your METAPHYSICAL Ninth House of belief systems, ideologies, academia and quests for knowledge. With the ruler of the Full Moon in your Tenth House of public life and reputation, you could be called to reveal your wisdom and private intuitions from an authoritative platform of some kind. Brave Mars and sagacious Jupiter meeting in your sign all of August, will imbue you with the confidence and courage of convictions, needed to share your message.  


On August 4th, you are called to take a new look at your money, personal resources, as well as how you support your PHYSICAL body through fueling and hydration. A Leo New Moon in your Second House highlights these themes and further emphasizes them over the next two weeks. This could be a period of reset per your nutrition, so working with an expert could bring vast improvements. Processes that you enact at this time could improve other elements of your well-being, like sleep and vibe. This is also an excellent month to work on your MENTAL health. Ameliorating Venus, signifier of balance, enters your Third House of everyday mindset on August 5th, offering greater harmony to your habitual mental state. Even though Mercury, planet of cognition, begins its retrograde in Virgo that same day, this could actually be another indicator to seek guidance. Mercury is the messenger and conduit, so at the retrograde, you are more likely to adopt a reflective and introspective outlook with some assistance. Speaking with a therapist is an excellent way to make the most of this transit, especially as Venus, signifier of encouragement, meets with analytical Mercury. Empathetic and nurturing care is on offer. Inner developments could even lead to a maturation of your SPIRITUAL perspective around the opposition of Venus in Virgo and meditative Saturn in Pisces on August 19th. Expect close relationships to be your greatest teacher at this time. By Venus’ ingress into her domicile, your Libra Fourth House of private life and core experience, on August 29th, enriching insights regarding your EMOTIONS are likely to fruit. Spending time with loved ones, getting appropriate rest and prioritizing self-care, helps soothe even the most difficult feelings that come up. 


A new dawn arrives at the Leo New Moon in your sign and First House of self, character and embodiment on August 4th. The New Moon is a conjunction of the Sun and Moon which inaugurates a phase of METAPHYSICAL development. The Sun’s first significant aspect after the New Moon is a fruitful sextile with Jupiter, signifier of improvement, fortune and success, so there is an auspicious quality to your personal development efforts this month. Jupiter is in your Gemini Eleventh House of groups, organizations or teams, so your highest potential is uplifted by networks of support at this time. In the days surrounding August 14th, the exact conjunction of passionate Mars and enthusiastic Jupiter in your Eleventh House, you could grow MENTALLY overwhelmed by the variety of social and professional engagements on your calendar. While exciting, it could be tempting to overcommit, so keep in mind that Mercury will be retrograde in Leo by August 15th. Discernment and self restraint are favored. By August 18th, the communication and cognition planet, a retrograde Mercury, forms a conjunction with your ruler, the Sun, in your sign. Retrograde Mercury is reflective, offering stellar insights for self-empowerment. Although, these should be wielded with care, as they could prompt or be accompanied by drama. August 19th’s Aquarius Full Moon in your Seventh House of alliances and adversaries, forms a striking aspect with rebellious Uranus in your public, professional Tenth House. Be careful of letting your ego and EMOTIONS get the best of you, as outbursts or displays of overconfidence are possible in your house of reputation. There are likely real financial concerns at play, though if so, try to wait until Mercury is direct after August 28th to seek some resolution.


SPIRITUAL clarity and introspection become significant themes of the month, with a Leo New Moon in your Twelfth House of contemplation, hidden labor, secret matters and solitude on August 4th. Taking time to reflect and rest over the following two weeks is likely to bring great benefit, even to your professional life. Victorious Mars and fortunate Jupiter, form a triumphant aspect to this New Moon from your Tenth House of public position and leadership. By recharging your batteries and focusing on behind the scenes processes, steadily working toward your aspirations could bear incredible results, especially by the exact conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in Gemini on August 14th. Your ruling planet, Mercury, signifier of MENTAL processes and communication, begins a retrograde right after the New Moon on August 5th. Further emphasizing the necessity of discernment, patience, deliberate action and conscientiousness throughout the month. As the cognition planet slows down and reverses significations, you’ll need to be especially attentive of language, writing and speaking, in addition to applying technical skills or utilizing technology. Mercury governs all of these things, so while retrograde in your sign throws a wrench in your capabilities. Although, on August 7th, when Mercury meets with relational Venus, you may feel especially adept in comprehending and articulating your EMOTIONS. The days immediately surrounding August 7th are ideal for heartfelt and honest conversations. If in need of a PHYSICAL boost, the days between the Aquarius Full Moon on August 19th and the vitalizing Sun entering your sign on August 22nd, are brilliant. You could easily find yourself on top in any competition or test of willpower and suffering during this period. Mars and Jupiter ensure abundant vigor and exuberance in your victories. 


Your ruling planet Venus, signifier of harmony, beauty and balance, enters your quiet, contemplative Virgo Twelfth House on August 5th. Venus seeks connection, so in the behind-the-scenes house of solitude, that desire could be directed inward, though better yet, to people in need. The Twelfth House is related to those who are castaway and displaced, so offering humble, unglamorous acts of service to your community could be a SPIRITUALITY enriching experience. On August 14th, a conjunction of the warrior Mars and sage Jupiter in your Ninth House of belief systems and political worldview, could see you stepping up as a wise defender of those who’ve fallen by society’s wayside. Once retrograde Mercury, signifier of communication, re-enters your Eleventh House the next day, share these humanitarian insights with your communities, clubs, teams and crews. Although be mindful, August 18th’s conjunction of the messenger Mercury and brilliant leader, the Sun, forms a jolting aspect with radical Uranus in your tricky Eighth House. This MENTALLY stimulating transit could strike you with transformational visions of uplifting community leadership, though it could also cause a lack of conversational tact and insight. Important relationships within your circles could be impacted by misspeaking or misunderstandings. Meditate on being a gracious listener, rather than an ostentatious speaker. The Aquarius Full Moon in your Fifth House of PHYSICAL play, sport and pleasure, brings all of these themes to an apex. You are called to innovate and lead, whether on the trail or in the wilderness, this could be an especially triumphant moment if you’re combining competition with a worthy cause. The month closes with Venus, arriving home to Libra on August 29th, rewarding you with EMOTIONAL balance, warmth and congeniality. Your efforts at social activism and community organizing are likely to be met with genuine praise and support.


August poses a significant turning point for your career. On August 4th, a Leo New Moon in your Tenth House of profession, career and public image forms a fruitful aspect with the planet of fortune, expansion and success, Jupiter, in your Eighth House of support from others. That same day, Venus, signifier of relationship and collaboration, enters your Virgo Eleventh House of communities and networks, alongside the ruler of that sign, Mercury, beginning its retrograde within hours. As a new beginning arises in your public life, your connections will be of utmost importance. While MENTALLY engaged tasks, communication and technology used within organizations could pose a bit more of a challenge through August 28th, you could return to an old team, reunite with allies from the past or reconvene previously tabled dialogues. These potentials are especially pronounced between August 7th when retrograde Mercury conjoins interpersonal Venus in your Eleventh House and August 18th, when the authoritative Sun conjoins Mercury in your Tenth House. Some contact from the past could play a vital role in your upliftment to leadership mid-month – when engaged in PHYSICAL competition, expect the spotlight. And if there’s any resentment or difficult feelings associated with these blasts from the past, August 19th’s Aquarius Full Moon carries an opportunity to release this EMOTIONAL  baggage for good. Support from Mars-Jupiter in your Gemini Eighth House encourages you to bravely step outside of your comfort zone and embrace the magic of chaos, there’s a reward in shaking up stagnant dynamics. You can finally catch a breather, as this dynamic month comes to an end. Venus, signifier of serenity, returns to her balanced domicile of Libra, your Twelfth House of SPIRITUAL introspection, repose and reclusion on August 29th.


As August begins, there’s an immediate emphasis on your PHYSICAL wellness. Venus, ruler of your Taurus Sixth House of health and illness, forms a challenging aspect to Uranus, signifier of paradigm shifts, in Taurus. Venus in your Leo Ninth House of worldview and big ideas, reckoning with Uranus in your Sixth House, could urge you to make revolutionary changes per your approach to health and fitness. Characteristic of the eccentric and leftfield nature of Uranus, these philosophical shifts could present an embrace of alternative wellness practices. Think energy work or burgeoning somatic techniques like self regulation, co regulation and sequencing. On August 4th, a Leo New Moon in your Ninth House, spurs a period of SPIRITUAL and intellectual breakthrough. The New Moon invites influential, larger than life, guru-like personalities into your social sphere, as it forms a radical square aspect to the Mars-Jupiter conjunction in your Gemini Seventh House of interpersonal dynamics and relationships with other people. Mars is the signifier of forcefulness and courage, while your ruling planet Jupiter signifies grandiosity and magnanimity. As they perfect their conjunction in your Seventh House around August 14th, EMOTIONALLY compelling meetings of great personal consequence come to a head. Though as this occurs in clever and cerebral Gemini, there is likely a quality of your engagement with others at this time that offers a prelude to the MENTAL breakthroughs presented at the Aquarius Full Moon on August 19th in your Third House of habitual mindset. The Full Moon occurs right after a conjunction of the enlightening Sun and cognitive Mercury in your Leo Ninth House, of existential potential. Exercise critical discernment and boundaries with these new collaborators but know that they are bound to prompt exciting new visions of your purpose moving forward. 


Relational Venus enters your Virgo Ninth House of belief systems, quests and journeys, ushering in pleasure and harmony, in addition to connections with those who share your worldview. The same day, signifier of communication, movement and cognition, Mercury, begins its retrograde in Virgo, a time of reassessment, delays and reflection, regarding Ninth House themes. Whether you’re traveling at this time or working on a significant venture, there could be some minor cruxes and misunderstandings. Discernment, clarity and detail orientation may be lacking, so utilize mindfulness, forest bathing, or other regulating activities, to ease stress or anxiety. On August 14th, Mars, signifier of courage and willpower, meets with Jupiter, signifier of synthesis and enhancement. In your Gemini Sixth House of PHYSICAL health habits, exercise programs and personal maintenance routines, this conjunction urges exponential growth across all aspects of your Metaphysical Fitness Programs.. Mars is the coach, while Jupiter is the sage, so linking up with motivational masterminds is incredibly auspicious this month. Hire support that is engaged with the latest technology and technical education in their field, to give you the performance edge over the competition. Your MENTAL state is also up for permanent upgrades or shifts this month, as a stark opposition between definitive Saturn and relational Venus perfects between your Pisces Third House of mindset and Virgo Ninth House of philosophical outlook on the 19th. You may experience a divergence between the beliefs of the SPIRITUAL communities you participate in and some inescapable qualities of your personal context. For example, a significant political contention arises in a psychedelic integration circle, due to strongly held beliefs around economics or material realities. As Venus makes her way to your Libra Tenth House by August 29th, let her heartfelt empathy, rather than cold logic absent of EMOTION, lead you to more balanced perspectives. 


A New Moon in your Leo Seventh House represents a seeding point for a fresh EMOTIONAL outlook and more heart driven approach to your connections. The Seventh House is the interpersonal site of partnership, allies, peers and even competitors. Over the next two weeks after this lunation, brilliant individuals could arrive in your life. Sun-ruled Leo is a sign of authority figures, so with a fruitful aspect to Mars-Jupiter in your Gemini Fifth House, there could be deeping of loyalties to captains or coaches. This influence continues throughout the first half of August, coming to a culmination at the exact conjunction of Mars-Jupiter in Gemini on the 14th. In the Fifth House of PHYSICAL play and pleasure, the courageous signifier of athleticism, Mars, merges with the magnanimous signifier of success, Jupiter. August is one of the best months of your year for competition, as victory is greatly favored. This transit may also see you overflowing with energy and enthusiasm, spurred on by empowering leadership. Though after retrograde Mercury enters your relational Seventh House, it forms a conjunction with the enlightening Sun on the 18th. Brilliant insights and revelatory conversations could arise in the context of your relationships, ushering in EMOTIONAL clarity and comprehension where it may have been lacking. Although, expect the unexpected, as Uranus, signifier of shocks and paradigm shifts, forms an electrifying aspect with the Full Moon. Fundamental, yet previously hidden internal dynamics come to a head at this time, to be reckoned with in daylight. These developments could prompt a philosophical reformation by August 29th, as balancing Venus enters your SPIRITUAL Ninth House in a supportive contact with metamorphic Pluto. An enhanced worldview, centered on justice and the greater good, is on the horizon for Aquarians.


Are you ready to powerfully reform your routines around PHYSICAL health and fitness, as well as reassess those you partner with to achieve wellness goals? The Leo New Moon on August 4th, sparks a new era regarding these topics and thanks to the confidence boosting conjunction of athletic Mars and enthusiastic Jupiter in your foundational Gemini Fourth House, you’ll feel fundamentally resourced to proceed on a new path. Your Leo Sixth House is essentially undergoing a process of rebirth this August, which culminates at the conjunction of the Sun, ruler of Leo, with a retrograde Mercury, on August 18th. Mercury increases MENTAL focus on those mundane, everyday habits that support our health. The retrograde indicates reviewing or reworking of these practices, due to the impeded, reversed nature of the transit. Be patient and diligent, as Mercury goes direct here on August 28th, bearing delayed results related to changes made earlier in the month. EMOTIONAL dynamics within partnerships and alliances are also up for significant change, as Venus transits your interpersonal Seventh House beginning August 5th. The same day that Mercury, ruler of Virgo, begins its retrograde there. Through the first half of August, the focus could be on refining your expectations and communication skills in relationships. Though due to hard aspects between relational Venus and the malefics, Mars and Saturn, the latter half of August could be a time of endings or significant restructuring in relationships, where necessary. Seek out solitude and reflective peace at the Aquarius Full Moon on August 19th. By removing yourself from the hustle and bustle of the world, you find an opportunity for SPIRITUAL lucidity. Quiet contemplation could lead to important, practical insights that improve your life overall. 

Stephen Kersh

An excerpt from our Funnest Known Time: Santa Monica Mountain Challenge Stupid Routes Panel, we have Stephen Kersh recalling a memorable bonk that pushed his physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional boundaries.

STUPID ROUTES – Panel Discussion

An FKT Panel Discussion from Abby Hall, Stephen Kersh, and Moi Medina.

STUPID ROUTES: A community Conversation about Stupid Routes; a 3-person multimedia presentation with Q&A. 👽 Abby Hall talks about a possible too close encounter and Misery PRs. 😴 Stephen Kersh talks about sleeping in the bottom of the world’s largest ditch by himself, by accident. 🚫🚴🏻‍♀️😢🥾 Moi Medina presents “I’m glad I brought a bike on this hike”; an IRL blogpost on the liminal space where dumb ideas and hubris meet genius and glory. Recorded live at Luft LA on January 26th, 2024 as part of the Mythical State Of + Rabbit Wolf Creative Funnest Known Time: Santa Monica Mountain Challenge.

Experience Earth’s Energies

EXPERIENCE EARTH’S ENERGIES is a study of Transcendence through movement, and a visual examination of the intersection/amalgamation of Energy and Metaphysical Fitness, within the larger context of both the literal and metaphorical “The Outside

The Outside: a place or realm wherein the symbiotic relationship between human and landscape is explored through intention, connection and awe. The practice is called Endurancism, and the practitioners are called Subject Athlete.

Brought to you by the Mythical State of New Age Practices and Principles


“You are what you eat.” – Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, Physiologie du Goût, ou Méditations de Gastronomie Transcendante.

We need healthy energy to survive, we need positive energy to thrive. The cosmos and everything in it is made of energy. Energy is a primal force from which everything emanates and sustains. Reach for the infinite potential and interconnectedness of the universe. Bad energy breeds negativity, drains vitality, creates toxic environments, subjugates joy and perverts happiness. DON’T GET ZAPPED.

We need energy in all FOUR zones.

  • Physical: We need energy for physiological purposes, dancing and Endurance.
  • Spiritual: Energy provides meaning, purpose and transcendence which is all food for our souls.
  • Mental: Energy powers creativity, self-expression and storytelling.
  • Emotional: Positive energy enhances feelings of joy, love, and inspiration, while low energy can contribute to emotional fatigue, apathy, and emotional malaise.

No energy, or bad energy, is Physical, Spiritual, Mental and Emotional death, and yet we spend most of our lives immersed and submerged in technologically modern environments such as towns, cities, the internet, and any and all spaces under the spell-like control of AI and/or the yoke of The Algorithm, e.g. Toxic Energy Sources:

  1. Light pollution, impacting circadian rhythms and causing sleep disorders.
  2. Continuous exposure to high levels of noise, causing deafness and various psychological issues.
  3. Electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation quietly “cooking” us from the inside out causes anxiety, stress and depression.
  4. Nuclear radiation leads to radiation sickness and genetic mutations.
  5. Power Lines buzzing in a menacing and malignant manner.
  6. Microwaves microwaving.
  7. Toxic emissions caused by industrialization and unchecked capitalism enters your body.
  8. Chemical byproducts in our Earth, Wind, Water and Fire.
  9. Airborne pollutants entering orifices and pores degrade function.
  10. Crowdsourced “creativity”, promotes and nurtures widespread or “everyday” mediocrity.
  11. Algorithmically generated impulses drive culture, technology, art and fashion to the exclusion of “sparked” thought originating in actual humans.
  12. Artificial ultrasonic frequencies drowning out Earth’s heartbeat: 7.83Hz.
  13. Malevolent supernatural entities causing fear, anger, anxiety and stress.
  14. Improperly conducted rituals or misguided spiritual practices, making people intolerant, stupid, angry and violent.
  15. Artificially generated ionizing.
  16. Inspiration Stagnation or “Club Zombie.”
  17. Electrosmog.
  18. Imbalanced Geopathic Zones, such as dry riverbeds, no longer flowing with water due to extended droughts caused by climate change, causes depression and disordered thinking.
  19. DNA-altering X-rays and gamma rays.
  20. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are everywhere.
  21. Emotional Negativity at work and in toxic relationships.
  22. High-frequency vibrations killing your vibe.
  23. Psychic attacks and Possession.
  24. Geomagnetic disturbances causing transient physiological and psychological effects.
  25. Spiritual disharmony: the result of feeling “disconnected” caused by social media, FOMO and the ubiquitous presence of the internet.


Experience Earth’s Energies, and time permitting, seek awe.


The short answer: Experiencing Earth’s Energies promotes Physical, Spiritual, Mental and Emotional Well-Being, which in turn will C-O-N-N-E-C-T you to Earth and Earthlings. You are Here. You are a Subject Athlete. Find Comfort with Discomfort. Achieve Metaphysical Fitness. Fun x Play x Joy. Moments of Rapture.

  1. Stress reduction
  2. Physical rejuvenation
  3. Mental clarity
  4. Improved mood
  5. Enhanced creativity
  6. Boosted immune system
  7. Increased vitality
  8. Emotional healing
  9. Enhanced spiritual connection
  10. Improved sleep
  11. Environmental awareness
  12. Shared experiences
  13. Enhanced senses
  14. Awe

The longer, more complicated answer: Theoretically, Ascension.

As follows: the Known Knowns, Known Unknowns and Unknown Unknowns of theoretically experiencing Ascension:

  1. Reveal hidden connections between individuals, events, and the universe.
  2. Unlock new levels of perception.
  3. On-demand Flow State.
  4. Perceive and navigate multiple dimensions.
  5. Time Control.
  6. More colors.
  7. Experience Eternal Now.
  8. Vortexual Healing.
  9. Theme Music.
  10. Harmonious Synchronicity.
  11. Use the quantum field to manifest desires.
  12. DNA Activation.
  13. FKT Support.
  14. Interdimensional Communication.
  15. Collective Consciousness Evolution.
  16. Energetic Alchemy.
  17. Akashic Records Access.
  18. Key Master.
  19. Remote Viewing.
  20. Galactic Service Coverage.
  21. Environmental Harmony.
  22. New healing modalities and techniques based on quantum principles.
  23. Universal Wisdom Integration.
  24. Unconditional Love Embodiment.
  25. Liberation from suffering and attachment.
  26. Enhanced empathy and compassion.
  27. Paradox Integration.
  28. Portal Maps.
  29. Augmented Intuition.
  30. Love Expansion.
  31. Ego Transcendence.


Step 1:
RESONANCE: Touch and feel the earth. Ground yourself. Bathe, melt, fold and sink yourself into your surroundings. Call and respond to your natural environment. Harmonize with the terrain. Establish a geoconnection. Immerse, integrate and mimic Earth’s shapes, colors, and relief. Commune with nature. Achieve textural symbiosis. Syncopate your internal rhythms to Earth’s heartbeat: 7.83Hz. Vibe.

Step 2:
SYNCHRONICITY OR FLOW STATE: Through manifested movement, style and breathing, align your Physical, Spiritual, Mental and Emotional wavelengths to Find Your Line, the hallmark of which are a magical confluence of action and awareness commonly referred to as “being in the zone.” When in Flow State, time becomes meaningless at best, limits are pushed, and anything can be accomplished. Achieving Flow State requires maintaining a high level of intrinsic motivation.

Step 3:
TRANSGRESSION, AKA “SESSIONING SPOTS:” Prolonged exposure to Flow State can open portals, doorways, and thresholds of extraordinary possibilities. Through transgression, Subject Athletes transcend their perceived limitations, unlocking new dimensions of human potential and disrupting conventional realities.

Step 4:
ASCENSION: Choose from the following: Dimensional Trespassing, Whirlpooling, Chancing, Aura Capture, Spireing, Ion Surfing, Knobby Pleasures, Cosmic Alignments, Spiritual Heuristics, Vortexual Odyssey, Lemurians, Cloud Spotting, MODE—ING aka “Way of the Rat”; ATB, BRVT, AT, XC, XTRM, FKT, Headwatering, Summit & Alpine Touring, Holing, Wizard Encounters, Thermaphiling, Spirit Animaling, First Contacting, Matah Kagami Spotting, Pluto’s Cave, Chthonic Empires Underground Dwelling, Vortices, Hounding, Harmonic Convergence, Micro Macro, Celestial Magnitude, Terrestrial Hingepoint, Volcanic Ziggurat, Crystals & Pistols, Sacred Pooling, Sound Bathing, Subterranean Walkabouting, Vertical Vision Questing, Ley Lines, Geo-Parkour, Stargazing, Time Lapsing, Howling, Extra-Planer Access.



An incomplete list of ways that AI and Algorithms are already controlling you:

  1. Suggested content, products, and services,
  2. Curated news and facts.
  3. Behavioral advertising.
  4. Information access through search engine rankings.
  5. Content filtering.
  6. Automated decision-making.
  7. Predictive policing.
  8. Financial trading.
  9. Voice assistants and smart devices.
  10. Health monitoring and diagnosis.
  11. Surveillance systems.
  12. Social credit systems.
  13. Academic research and publication.
  14. Emotional manipulation.
  15. Social media addiction.
  16. Decreased empathy.
  17. Superficial connections.
  18. Online harassment and trolling.
  19. Disruption of local communities.
  20. Algorithmic bias and discrimination.


  • Arches
  • Hoodoos
  • Bridges
  • Slots
  • Fins
  • Plateaus
  • Caves
  • Balances
  • Faults
  • Folds
  • Monoclines
  • Grabens
  • Domes
  • Karsts
  • Buttes
  • Mesas
  • Cliffs
  • Escarpments
  • Alluvial Fans
  • Pedestals
  • Tafoni
  • Lava Flows

Handmade in San Francisco by Colpa Press.

Hi, my name is Daniel. In this video I’m providing you with undeniable proof that A) This zine exists B) That this zine goes hard C) That zine is a physical object full of tangible inspiration and joy, and D) That while this zine production is simple and low fi, the design and photographic reproduction are both TOP NOTCH.


DirectionEmiliano Granado
A StillsEmiliano Granado
B StillsDaniel Wakefield Pasley
MotionJustin Balog
ProducerClaudia Decaro
Strategy and VisionHunter Murphy
Graphic Design & Art DirectionMaria Chiara Choro
EditorTaylor Kruse
ModelsRio Lakeshore, Noot, Graham and Mac
Product SupportDistrict Vision, Norda, and Rayonvert
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