If you’re in need of sincere EMOTIONAL support and grounding, July 5th’s Cancer New Moon in your foundational Fourth House of roots, private life and inner world, holds deep healing potential. With a stabilizing contact between stoic Saturn in your contemplative Pisces Twelfth House and harmonizing Venus in your Cancer Fourth House of sanctuary, seeking timeout in solitude offers restoration over the course of July. Cultivating a deeper dimension of emotional honesty with oneself and transmuting that into a more sincere self-regard is the key to this month. On July 20th, your ruling planet, cutting Mars, enters your Gemini Third House of daily habits, your immediate environment and personal development. This transit demands you be ruthlessly curious and crafty, as you sharpen your skill sets and blaze new trails in your town or region. Mars in this Mercurial sign sparks MENTAL clarity and an aggressive curiosity, so after the 20th, channel this spirit by signing up for an intriguing workshop or local hiking group. Before the brilliant Sun shines its light upon its own sign in your colorful Leo Fifth House, your introspection reaches an enlightening peak, as the Sun and mystical Neptune make an aspect July 21st. A significant SPIRITUAL experience is possible near this time, whether simply through reflection or serious meditative practice, so pump the brakes on your outer life and focus on a more profound, internal sense of purpose. PHYSICAL pleasure and joy makes a triumphant return the next day as the Sun blazes into Leo, encouraging you to seize the day!
A refreshing New Moon in your Cancer Third House of everyday mindset and habits on July 5th, provides MENTAL clarity and a knack for attracting fruitful opportunities within your local sphere. This New Moon occurs alongside cooperative Venus and forms a contact with enduring Saturn, thus emphasizing the importance of heartfelt, ride or die, relationships in your life. While this is certainly a month to strengthen your oldest bonds, forming new associations is especially auspicious through the Capricorn Full Moon on July 21st. These could even grow to be significant and long-lasting with time. At the Full Moon, in your Ninth House of one’s worldview and SPIRITUAL beliefs, you may come to see that these novel relationships have begun to profoundly transform and expand your perspective on life. In conjunction with alchemical Pluto and forming a rewarding aspect with revolutionary Uranus, this Full Moon brings a liberating, yet pragmatic, philosophical pivot. Yet, as the illuminating Sun enters your chthonic Fourth House of the private, foundational self the next day, July 22nd, this shift in perspective could lead to empowering EMOTIONAL integration. The Sun demystifies while opposing cathartic Pluto in your public, professional Aquarius Tenth House, ensuring these internal revelations ground you further into newly developing existential truths. Your PHYSICAL vitality is additionally supported by the Sun’s invigorating presence in Leo, making this transit lasting until August 22nd, prime for strengthening self-confidence and better accessing your inner authority. Work with a personal trainer or coach to refine your habits and expunge any toxic beliefs that inhibit your potential.
Your ruling planet, quicksilver messenger, Mercury, enters your Leo Third House of daily mindset, habits and local environment on July 2nd. Mercury signifies communication, ideation and MENTAL processes, so while in bold, authoritative Leo, you are called to confidently share your voice and joyfully display your ample intellectual talents. Additionally, charismatic Venus enters your Third House on July 11th. Whether you’re trying out a creative writing workshop, joining a local theater, starting a YouTube channel or leading an important presentation at work, you are likely to find an audience who celebrates your output. Throughout the majority of this month, as the Sun joins Mercury and Venus in Leo on July 22nd, you could experience a great deal of EMOTIONAL satisfaction through sincere self-expression and sharing your creativity amongst your community. Venus is the artist and Mercury is the technician, so while they are together between July 11th–25th, lovingly devote yourself to a craft or passion project! Your Leo Third House also relates to non-institutional SPIRITUAL practices, like working with magic or mushrooms, so as the enlightening Sun enters Leo on July 22nd, seek purpose in alternative metaphysics, beyond dogmas or doctrines. As the month comes to a close, your ruler Mercury enters your sibling sign, Virgo. With Mercury in your foundational Fourth House, PHYSICAL vitality should get a boost and it’s a perfect transit to focus on data and technical skills in health, nutrition and fitness. Tap into the circle of expertise around you and focus on refinement, rather than perfection, for optimum results.
A New Moon in Cancer on July 5th, initiates a period in which you are tasked with safeguarding your long term PHYSICAL health. A New Moon indicates a fresh start in our lives and this one occurs alongside soothing Venus in Cancer, while making an aspect to resolute, disciplined Saturn. In all bodily maintenance matters, like nutrition, fitness and training, take a gentler approach. Emphasizing holistic mobility over the long-term, versus breakneck intensity for fleeting gains, could be crucial. This tender nurturance of self may also aid your EMOTIONAL well-being, with downstream impacts on your relationships. The Capricorn Full Moon in your Seventh House of partnerships on July 21st, forms aspects to ecstatic Neptune and revolutionary Uranus, urging an imaginative and experimental approach to interpersonal relations. Uniquely exciting individuals enter your life around this time, inviting you to expand your SPIRITUAL perspective and entertain electrifying new visions of your potential. Concurrently, the omniscient Sun spends its last day in your sign this year, July 21st, forming a sensational aspect to numinous Neptune in your Pisces Ninth House of metaphysical wisdom. Late July is insightful for those Cancerians who respect and center visionary experiences, seeking spiritual solace through community. Mercury, signifier of cognition, enters its sign of Virgo, your Third House of mindset on July 25th, further refining your awareness. While this transit abounds with MENTAL clarity and sharpens discernment, combative Mars challenges Mercury from your shadowy Twelfth House, so watch out for getting bogged down in superfluous details or hypercriticality. Instead, transmute anxiety into curiosity!
Signifier of intellect and communication, Mercury, enters your sign on July 2nd, urging Leos to roar! Speak your truth sincerely, proudly displaying your MENTAL prowess and authoritative integrity. Though a great leader understands the inherent power of their proclamations, so pay heed to the impact of your words. Mercury opposes the planet of destruction and creation, transformational Pluto, lending your tongue an atom splitting force. Wield this wisely! July 5th’s Cancer New Moon in your introspective Twelfth House should help ease any tension though, as you are called to prioritize quiet, solitude and reflection. Balancing Venus in Cancer sits alongside the New Moon and forms a contact with reductive Saturn. Lessening your obligations where possible, limiting social fatigue or even doing an electronics detox can be SPIRITUALLY nourishing and anxiety reducing in the weeks that follow. Tending to the soul and cultivating inner peace, serves as a primary objective this month. Paradoxically, Venus, signifier of magnetism and charm enters your sign on July 11th. All eyes and ears are directed toward you, as Venus offers popularity and attractiveness through your house of self. Alongside conversational Mercury and opposing chthonic Pluto, Venus ensures your speech and very presence strike an EMOTIONAL chord in others, emphasizing the necessity for conscientiousness in all communications this month. The impulse to be seen and to show off your PHYSICAL talents and physique increases as your ruler, the dazzling Sun, enters your sign on July 22nd, making an aspect to athletic Mars. Brilliance and brawn seize the day as the month closes, making it a fantastic time for competition.
You may be ready to take an association or partnership more seriously this month, as a Cancer New Moon occurs in your Eleventh House of social networks, aspirations and teams on July 5th. Whether with an individual or an organization, July is the time to strengthen bonds and make enduring connections. Venus, planet of relationships, sits alongside the New Moon in Cancer, making productive contact with dutiful Saturn in your Pisces partnership house. Collaborations abound and it’s really the communities or comrades that embody empathy, nourish you EMOTIONALLY and offer space for creativity, that find a place in your heart. Although, while there is excellent forward momentum this month, themes of rebellion or breakthrough that came about around the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in late April could re-arise. That conjunction signified revolution regarding your SPIRITUAL beliefs or worldview. And on the 15th, Mars, renegade planet of action collides with innovative Uranus in your Taurus Ninth House. This indicates a sharp turn of perspective and radical revision of your existential mission, altering your purpose at breakneck speed. The enlightening Sun offers support though, allowing you to break free from the past and reclaim your authority. These shifts are more tangible at the Full Moon in your Capricorn Fifth House of PHYSICAL play and pleasure on July 21st. All of July’s major new developments in terms of your teams and sense of life purpose come to climax at this transformative and cathartic Full Moon. You should feel empowered to achieve something quite significant in sports, profoundly enjoying yourself at the same time.
Early July, especially in the days following July 5th’s Cancer New Moon, in your most visible Tenth House of public achievement and advancement, is prime time for major tournaments or other forms of PHYSICAL competition. The ascension of a New Moon to this peak position in your chart, alongside your ruling planet Venus, also in Cancer, indicates a rewarding clean slate in terms of your reputation and accomplishments. As the illuminating Sun transits this prominent place in your chart, July offers a high water mark of success and celebration this season. Mars’ entry into your curious and kinetic Gemini Ninth House on July 20th, furthers the dynamic quality of the month, as you begin to take an intrepid approach to your worldview and SPIRITUAL beliefs. Through early September, you may find yourself questioning and excising many of your viewpoints, though this is to your benefit, as intriguing new wisdom or passionate guides suddenly assert themselves into your purview. Just be cautious of growing overzealous or being indoctrinated during this transit, as Mars in Gemini could make one a foot soldier of ultimately harmful ideologies. The day after Mars’ entry into Gemini, there is a Capricorn Full Moon in your Fourth House of roots, EMOTIONAL foundations and the private experience on July 21st. This Full Moon is a fortunate opportunity to ground oneself amidst this transformational month. And a few days later, perception planet Mercury turns your focus inward, as it enters your contemplative Twelfth House. Prioritize personal time, rest and self-care, for the benefit of your MENTAL health.
A fruitful period of SPIRITUAL renewal begins July 5th as a Cancer New Moon forms in your Ninth House of wisdom traditions, philosophy and cosmological worldview. This New Moon occurs alongside Venus in Cancer, indicating nurturing bonds that help you foster a greater sense of purpose in the world. The two weeks following the New Moon offer a potent opportunity to enrich your consciousness within the context of a like-minded, healthy community that supports your METAPHYSICAL insights. Contacts with both innovative Uranus and mystical Neptune ensure that these new bonds ecstatically revolutionize your outlook and approach to relationships generally. Though a potentially uncomfortable EMOTIONAL climax does arrive on July 15th, as your combative ruler Mars forms a conjunction with erratic Uranus in your Taurus Seventh House of partnerships. If you’ve experienced significant alterations of relationships since April, this transit could retrigger those events, signifying a sense of finality, as cutting Mars and surprising Uranus close this chapter with a bang. A few days later on July 20th, Mars ventures into your Gemini Eighth House of endings, affirming some sort of relational detachment or expiration. Yet, the Sun in your Cancer Ninth House of mentorship does offer support amidst this, so even if conflict does arise, you are likely to have caring guidance from the sidelines. On July 21st, a Capricorn Full Moon in the Third House of your everyday MENTAL state, close kin and immediate surroundings, represents a tangible culmination, as your recent advancements in mindset and convergence of community cohere into a more soulfully resonant environment.
A safe, nurturing environment for EMOTIONAL healing is available to you this month, as a Cancer New Moon in your Eighth House of distress, taxing experiences, dissolution and grief, occurs alongside balancing Venus on July 5th. The New Moon is a refresh, so with the signifier of association, harmony and ease at its side, repair or restoration are on offer for your relationships. Though ultimately, transits through the Eighth House require relinquishment and the ability to grapple with the complexities of loss. A psychologist or counselor could be of great support at this time, thanks to a productive aspect with authoritative Saturn. By mid-month, you’ll want to be extremely cautious of PHYSICAL injury. Mars, planet of accidents forms a conjunction with Uranus, the haphazard planet of the unexpected on July 15th in your Sixth House, a part of the chart traditionally associated with bodily affliction. There may even be echoes of health challenges from April, as this transit occurs at the same degree as April’s rare Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. Sagittarians are of course not ones to live in fear, though remain alert! Quite favorably, late July is a period where you should feel very much in your element, as a natural sage and SPIRITUAL seeker. The ingress of the enlightening Sun, signifier of consciousness, into your Leo Ninth House of philosophy and cosmological worldview on July 22nd, sparks phenomenal insights into your existential purpose. The following day, the Sun opposes cathartic Pluto in your Third House of mindset, rousing brilliant MENTAL clarity that could transform your approach to life.
July 5th’s Cancer New Moon occurs in your Seventh House of partnership and interpersonal relations, signifying a fruitful new beginning for your associations and alliances. Venus, planet of magnetism and relationship, is in this part of your chart alongside the New Moon, indicating EMOTIONALLY gratifying experiences with those you hold dear throughout the month. Yet, you’re invited to form new attachments, as with proper nurturance, these could grow to be quite significant in your life. Opening your heart to your local community could be especially rewarding, as Seventh House relationships also bring tangible opportunities. The related Full Moon in your sign, Capricorn, two weeks later on July 21st, culminates in your First House of the PHYSICAL body, self-concept and personal character. A Full Moon in your sign means that all eyes will be on you, though you may feel especially transparent to others, sensitive and vulnerable. This part of the lunar cycle indicates closure or climax, so in this sense your bodily and MENTAL health takes on greater import. Be sure to allot yourself plenty of rest and space for reflection in comfort. Even though in a different sign, Aquarius, transformative Pluto is in conjunction with this Full Moon by proximity, signifying powerful release and catharsis. As the illuminative, authoritative Sun enters your existentially taxing Leo Eighth House the next day, you could find therapeutic help to be of great aid. Mercury, the liminal guide, enters into its own sign of Virgo, your Ninth House of SPIRITUALITY and mentorship, on July 25th, heightening your chances of finding the best suited guidance possible.
On July 2nd, Mercury, signifier of MENTAL perception and communication, enters your Leo Seventh House of alliances, interpersonal relations and agreements. The messenger planet forms an opposition to deeply transformational Pluto. This contact indicates that through July 25th, when Mercury enters Virgo, you could feel compelled to share core truths, own your personal power and present your authentic self in a most unabashed manner. Mercury presides over ambiguity as well, so expect to interact with individuals or organizations who bring sly, crafty or simply hard to pin energy into your life. You may even discover you possess these qualities as well and wrestle with their ethical application. July 5th’s Cancer New Moon in your Sixth House of PHYSICAL fitness and health habits, arises alongside sympathetic Venus in Cancer. This could be the ideal time to join a trail running club or cycling league. Increasing your heart rate and sweating in community with others, could satisfy your soul and lead to durable friendships. These developments are followed up by Venus, planet of romance, beauty, harmony and magnetism, also entering your Leo Seventh House on July 11th. Venus can usher EMOTIONAL honesty, grace and warmth into your relationships, while also opposing Pluto in Aquarius. The darker shades of desire and deeply internalized power dynamics will be roused forth into the light during this transit, ultimately helping you grow more gracious with yourself and empathetic toward those you collaborate with. The Sun’s entry into its home sign of Leo, your Seventh House, on July 22nd uplifts this catharsis, SPIRITUALLY cleansing by the light of clarity. Time to pull toxicity out by its roots!
July 5th’s New Moon in your sentimental Cancer Fifth House of play and pleasure, kicks off a period of great joy and celebration. If you’ve felt inhibited, which is possible considering the cosmic naysayer, Saturn, has been in your sign for over a year, this month brings a sweet burst of relief! Venus, planet of relationship, harmony, PHYSICAL gratification and bliss, journeys through your Fifth House until July 11th, imbuing the New Moon with sheer delight and a desire to socialize. Wrangle your crew and organize anything from a local ramble on flat pedals or Fire Tower tour to a group swimming hole excursion. . Memories made with close friends and loved ones could last a lifetime. Mid-July is full of shock, awe and speed, as Mars, signifier of conflict, action and strength, meets with Uranus, signifier of surprise, revolution and breakthrough, on the 15th. The Mars-Uranus conjunction forms in your Taurus Third House of mindset and the immediate environment. Positively, this is an excellent time for brainstorming, as ingenious MENTAL insights could strike out of the blue, akin to SPIRITUAL experiences. If you’re working on a project or business, you get the kick to shift that into next gear. In terms of challenges though, be cautious while traveling locally, as the negative potential is accidents. Stay alert! As July comes to a close, conversational Mercury enters its own sign, Virgo, your Seventh House of interpersonal relations and partnerships on the 25th. Mercury invites you to be both critically discerning and EMOTIONALLY forthright in your associations. Conscientiousness is key though, as a tough contact with Mars lends a lack of tact in communications if unchecked.