This month calls for a strategic refresh of your health and fitness routines. A Virgo New Moon in your Sixth House on September 2nd, initiates a period of tactical reform and revision of your personal wellness practices and the attendant experts who work with you. Over the following two weeks, you could feel compelled to adopt a more refined, data and research driven approach to PHYSICAL health, perfectly aligned with the well studied, methodical nature of Virgo. Embrace learning, constructive critique and new technology, like heart rate or sleep tracking tools, for best results. As Mars, the athlete and warrior, signifier of brute and brawn, as well as anger and agitation, enters your Cancer Fourth House on September 4th, you may find yourself boiling over. Mars brings the heat, so in the Fourth House, the place of our fundamental EMOTIONAL experience, as well as our familial foundation and private life, hot button issues could come to the fore. Challenges in the domestic sphere are possible. Prioritizing a “time-out” from these stressors, through intentional rest, improved sleep, quality time relaxing at home and reflective solitude, could be beneficial. By the Pisces Full Moon – Lunar Eclipse on September 17th, the call to introspection and need for SPIRITUAL sanctuary becomes especially pronounced. Lunar Eclipse’s indicate fated or significant culminations, a period of fruition that makes a lasting impact. Expansive aspects between the Full Moon – Lunar Eclipse and sagacious Jupiter, the merciful counselor, as well as with the rabble-rousing maverick, Uranus, indicates surprising events with enlightening consequences. A more honest perception of your partnerships and alliances follows, as MENTAL Mercury meets the clarifying Sun in your Libra Seventh House of relationship on the 30th.
On September 1st, a retrograde Pluto, signifier of metamorphosis, intensity, chthonic depths and hidden forces of regeneration, returns to your Capricorn Ninth House of meaningful quests, philosophy, scholarship and your worldview. Pluto’s ingress into this part of your chart resurrects themes that could have been especially potent in your life from 2008-23. For example, a reshaping of your SPIRITUAL outlook, significant academic accomplishments, life-altering travel or reorientations of your ideologies, may have taken place during those years. Pluto’s return to Capricorn through November 19th, offers an opportunity to finally close the door on that chapter. Along with pointed, revolutionary Mars’ entry into your Third House of MENTAL patterns on September 4th, this is a powerful month for re-examination. Mars ruptures, while Pluto delivers catharsis, so deep rooted beliefs, thought processes or perspectives, likely wrought over the last decade or so of your life, are ready to be purged for good. September 17th’s fateful Pisces Full Moon – Lunar Eclipse highlights collective efforts and group collaborations. In your Eleventh House of community, alongside dissolving Neptune, there could be an EMOTIONAL dissolution of a team or abdication of leadership. Consequently, as the enlightening Virgo Sun in your Fifth House of pleasure, play and PHYSICAL sport, forms an aspect with Pluto on September 22nd, some of your views regarding athletic endeavors and your participation with teams could be up for transformational shifts. A contact with radical Uranus also takes place at this time, indicating sudden innovation and shocks from leftfield, so be prepared for a personal revolution when it comes to what hobbies or activities spark joy. Due to the earthy elemental quality of these transits, this has likely been a long time coming.
The Fourth House is the foundational root of the chart, the unseen, private site of personal origins, heritage and the fundamental internal experience. At the Virgo New Moon in your Fourth House on September 2nd, there’s an opportunity to visit this sanctuary within, finding SPIRITUAL renewal in your inner world. Mercury, the scribe and herald, your ruling planet as well as the ruler of this New Moon, is in your wondrous Leo Third House at the time, pointing to a refresh of your imagination through subconscious reprogramming. Experimentation with what many would consider MENTAL magic processes such as affirmations, free writing, journaling, as well as practicing divination like tarot or astrology, fits the intimate esotericism of the Third House, while also honoring Mercury the magician’s many gifts. Once the fleet-footed messenger enters Virgo on September 9th – your fellow Mercury-ruled sister sign – manifestations could arise in the form of relationships, alliances or collaborations bearing new opportunities. The beautifully fruitful and EMOTIONALLY ecstatic Pisces Full Moon – Lunar Eclipse on September 17th in your Tenth House of public life, achievements, leadership and professional experiences, furthers this narrative. You may experience a surprising, yet fated, attainment or uplevel at this time as the Moon squares elevating Jupiter in your sign. Additionally, transcendent Neptunes conjunction with the Full Moon emphasizes the enchanted and uplifting nature of this eclipse. The latter part of September demands significant METAPHYSICAL growth on your part, as these successes could arrive through loss or challenging circumstances. Your ruler, Mercury, crosses through the Fourth House underworld of the chart at the time of the eclipse and opposes challenging Saturn in your public Tenth House. Though no worries, as you’re well supported in rising to the occasion!
On September 2nd, a Virgo New Moon in your Third House of MENTAL patterns and habits opposes Saturn, planet of inhibition, difficulties and endings, in your Ninth House of belief systems and worldview. Over the course of the next two weeks, a significant change is in store in terms of your personal philosophy or even your sense of existential purpose. Limiting and stagnant perspectives can be reformed or if need be, released, no matter how enduring in your life. As the ruler of Virgo, exacting, analytical Mercury, enters this part of your chart on September 9th, it will be at maximum strength, so through the last week of the month, be flexible in your opinions and adaptive with your communication. On September 4th, Mars enters your sympathetic sign, an awkward place for this bad-tempered planet. While on one hand you could experience a boost in PHYSICAL energy or courage, you’ll want to be mindful of burnout, impatience and overexertion leading to outright petulance during this transit. Channeling discomforting feelings into creativity could be a fantastic outlet. A major turning point arrives on September 17th, with the Pisces Full Moon – Lunar Eclipse in your Ninth House of SPIRITUALITY and philosophy. This momentous Full Moon could bring a profound yearning for unitive experiences but also make one prone to seductive delusions. Prioritizing introspection and anchoring oneself through a time-honored meditative practice could help you elude the worst excesses of this eclipse. The month ends on a cathartic note, as the illuminative Sun and perceptive Mercury meet in your Libra Fourth House of the foundational EMOTIONAL experience. Due to a conjunction with the liberatory South Node, in many ways, antithetical to your sentimental nature, it could be time to release relationships and accompanying feelings that you’ve unfairly prioritized over your own needs.’
On September 1st, Pluto, signifier of intense catharsis, metamorphosis and power dynamics, returns to your Capricorn Sixth House of healthcare, illness, injury, fitness and wellness. This brief return of Pluto to Capricorn through November 19th, where it spent the better part of the years 2008-23 signifies the final chapter of a long, transformational journey regarding your PHYSICAL maintenance practices and the healing professionals who assist you. Whether this is the final jaunt of physical therapy after a significant injury or better yet, the consummation of a challenging strength training journey, as examples, expect to experience some sense of finality, accompanied by emergent potential. Mid-September may feel off-kilter, as a Pisces Full Moon – Lunar Eclipse occurs in your Eighth House, a site of shared resources, decline, fallibility, entanglements and tribulations. The topics of the Eighth House are oftentimes accompanied by difficult EMOTIONAL states, like grief, despair or anxiety. This fateful Lunar Eclipse on September 17th calls for a moment of repose, as career and financial matters become a source of stress. An issue of money or resources comes to a culmination, so be gentle with yourself as you prepare to traverse new paths in this area. Developments in the days following September 2nd’s Virgo New Moon will be directly related to this moment. The enlightening Sun enters Libra, your Third House of the habitual mindset, on September 22nd. The Libra Sun-Mercury conjunction, which closes the month on September 30th, offers a brilliant depth of mind, relational harmony and the self-compassion needed to kickstart a new financial or professional chapter. Though the positive implications of the moment may not be clear at first, MENTAL hygiene will be a key to your success.
On September 2nd, a Virgo New Moon in your sign, renews your vitality. Although, obstructive, fatiguing Saturn opposes this New Moon. While you may feel an egoic urge to compete hard or push yourself PHYSICALLY, there’s a languid air to the month. This is also reflected by the location of the New Moon’s governor, your ruling planet Mercury, in the withdrawn, diminished Twelfth House. Overloading or straining yourself at the gym, and not prioritizing extension recuperation from workouts, could have especially detrimental consequences. By September 9th, lively, fleet-footed Mercury, ruler of Virgo, returns home to your sign. So while this may not be the most ideal month for intense physical activity, you are certain to be MENTALLY stimulated and have your wits about you. Mercury, signifier of language, writing and communication, perception, cognition and analysis, in your house of self, character and embodiment, empowers you with a silver tongue and sharp mind. So after last month’s retrograde, it’s time to move full speed ahead with any projects or endeavors that require significant grasp of the written or spoken word, brain power, research and shrewdness. If collaboration is a part of your pursuits this month, September 17th’s Pisces Full Moon – Lunar Eclipse brings a very public and EMOTIONALLY dramatic conclusion to a relationship. Communication challenges or divergence of opinion in a professional partnership is likely and as this is an eclipse, there is a seemingly inescapable quality in that which comes to fruition. Through the 22nd, contention helps define you and leads to a greater clarity of purpose. Mercury in Virgo’s trine to revolutionary Uranus in your Ninth House of SPIRITUAL and ideological beliefs on September 24th, further inspires you to buck conventions and fearlessly speak your truth.
Cultivating sanctuary, practicing introspection and solitary activity, become significant themes through the first two weeks of September, thanks to a New Moon in your Virgo Twelfth House on the 2nd. This New Moon initiates a focused period of SPIRITUAL quietude, self-reflection and deep rest. Saturn in your Sixth House opposes the New Moon, indicating significant responsibilities and strenuous work. For some respite, embrace a hermitage stint by working on deeply personal projects and choosing restorative evenings at home, over late nights out on the town. By honoring your internal needs, you’re better prepared for the transit of Mars through your Cancer Tenth House beginning September 4th. Mars is the signifier of conflict and assertion, though in the sign moody water sign of Cancer, this planet struggles. Your Tenth House represents your vocation and reputation, so with tempestuous Mars here, there’s a risk of inappropriate EMOTIONAL displays in professional settings. Mars calls on you to find a creative means to honor your passion and assert your needs, without diminishing your public standing or undermining critical relationships. An opportunity to blow off steam arrives at September 17th’s Pisces Full Moon – Lunar Eclipse, in your Sixth House of PHYSICAL health, injury, illness and fitness. This is a great time to hit the CrossFit gym for intense training or round up the crew at the climbing wall. Although, considering sublime Neptune’s conjunction with the Full Moon, be sure to follow up with a tranquil trip to a sauna or spa, as well. September comes to a close on another MENTALLY pensive note with the Sun and Mercury conjoining the introverted South Node in your sign. Take a beat for meditation and journaling; looking within could yield refreshing insights regarding your direction.
Your ruling planet, signifier of discord, severance and vigor, Mars, enters your Cancer Ninth House on September 4th. The Ninth House represents distant journeys, belief systems, SPIRITUALITY and our worldview. As Mars ends associations and allegiance in a sharp, sudden fashion, you could feel compelled to dispense of certain philosophies or ideological positions. Also, when Mars transits the Ninth House, trips to distant places could have their fair share of mishaps. So of course, while you may already have something planned, this is more so a yellow flag to be especially patient, conscientious and kind, if trouble does arise. A Pisces Full Moon – Lunar Eclipse takes place in your joyful Fifth House of PHYSICAL play, pleasure and celebration on September 17th. This important Full Moon indicates an exciting culmination when it comes to games and competition amongst friends or teammates. Fortune favors the intrepid at this juncture. It may appear to be all fun and games, due to a conjunction with ecstatic Neptune, though there’s a powerful undercurrent of determination and will to win present at this eclipse. Around the 23rd, passions continue to rise, as Venus, planet of love, romance and beauty, graces your sign. Venus in your First House of self-concept, imbues one with EMOTIONAL warmth, charm and a natural sensuality. Embrace this transit by embodying the divine feminine – go out dancing, host a dinner party, treat yourself to a massage or create art for art’s sake. And as she traverses your sign, Venus continues to rule over your Libra Twelfth House, the site of a brilliant Sun-Mercury conjunction on September 30th. Supreme MENTAL clarity is possible through introspection and contemplative practice. Shifts in perception could have a net positive effect on your relationships.
On September 7th, the signifier of magic and motion, Mercury, in your Leo Ninth House of SPIRITUALITY forms a challenging, yet dynamic aspect with groundbreaking Uranus in your Taurus Sixth House of wellness, healthcare and fitness. This transit offers a unique opportunity to expand your purview leftfield and experiment with METAPHYSICAL healing practices. The revolutionary nature of Uranus supports a consciousness shift when it comes to caring for your health and a willingness to work with innovative professionals on the vanguard. A couple days later on September 9th, Mercury, ruler of cognition, writing, language and speech, transits your professional Virgo Tenth House of public life until September 26th. Whether you’re giving important presentations, teaching or sharing content through your platforms, you’re likely to be quite busy and your MENTAL acumen will be on full display. Be well prepared, discerning and strategic with all professional communications. New ideas concerning your work, seeded at the Virgo New Moon on the 2nd, could bear some fruit at this time. Leadership is potentiated through collaboration and partnership. With the Pisces Full Moon – Lunar Eclipse on September 17th, a fervent EMOTIONAL investment in your potential could uplift you toward your greatest ambitions, though be mindful of self-protective escapism leading to delusions of grandeur. This fateful eclipse aligns with quixotic Neptune in your foundational Fourth House of the roots, familial home and inner life, so intoxicating sentimentality or indolent day dreaming could get the best of you. Instead, let it inspire you to dream and creatively flourish. The transiting Sun and Mercury in pragmatic Virgo will allot you a healthy dose of skepticism and practicality, grounding your visions into actionable reality.
Retrograde Pluto, the planet archetypally associated with the chthonic, extremes, power dynamics, metamorphosis, death and rebirth, returns to your METAPHYSICAL First House of self concept, character and the body on September 1st. Pluto has spent the majority of this year in your Aquarius Second House of personal income and possessions, where it will return on November 19th until the 2040’s. Although, in the meantime, Pluto is revisiting your psychological underworld, the subconscious, to wrap up a potentially onerous journey of inner alchemy that began in 2008. You’ve likely undergone a complete, phoenix-like transformation during the many years Pluto has excavated these depths and this brief resurrection of that experience offers you an insightful denouement. The Virgo New Moon on September 2nd in your SPIRITUAL Ninth House furthers the emergence of a new existential purpose, alongwith the birth of a more mature iteration of your personal philosophy. Having confronted your deepest fears, mortality or darkest shadow qualities, over the course of the Pluto in Capricorn transit, your worldview is now informed by trials few have faced and even fewer have overcome. Yet, the gauntlet isn’t entirely over, as Mars, signifier of conflict, severance, discord and aggression, ingresses your Cancer Seventh House of interpersonal relations, contracts and agreements, on September 4th. Brash Mars is not comfortable in sensitive Cancer, so impassioned or aggravated EMOTIONS could lead to strife or separations when dealing with others this month. Yet fortunately, the Pisces Full Moon – Lunar Eclipse on September 17th, encourages forgiveness, empathy and an adaptive MENTALITY. Cherish the support of your closest kin at this time, as they could act as a safe harbor, allowing you to grow comfortable in your restored sense of self and seasoned outlook.
The early part of September features lots of activity in your Virgo Eighth House of loss, trials and tribulations, shared responsibilities and resources. Due to its contingent and sometimes chaotic nature, the Eighth House is related to MENTAL anxieties. Ruled by critical and analytical Mercury, a New Moon in your Virgo Eighth House on September 2nd offers a tabula rasa moment in terms of the aforementioned themes. This could be directly related to precarity or difficulties regarding finances, due to an opposition to taxing Saturn in your Second House of earnings and possessions. A powerful opportunity to shift gears is available to you at this time, urging you to seize the wheel and take ownership of your financial future. The serious themes of this month continue, as on September 4th, Mars, planet of agitation and aggression, enters your Cancer Sixth House of health, PHYSICAL fitness and coaches. Mars is in a challenged state in the sign of Cancer, so be mindful of your bodily safety. Misdirected passion and haphazard action could lead to injury, so seek out healthy outlets for your most ardent feelings. This is an excellent time to enlist a supportive personal trainer or begin a holistic wellness program. By the Pisces Full Moon – Lunar Eclipse on September 17th, the financial matters brought up earlier in the month come to a fated culmination, as innovative solutions emerge that encourage a lasting sense of stability. While there’s an EMOTIONALLY raw quality to this potent eclipse, you may feel some sense of relief as you release an anachronistic belief system. The conjunction of the Sun and Mercury in your Libra Ninth House of worldview and SPIRITUALITY on the 30th, furthers the adoption of a more introspective, yet fulfilling perspective on life.
September 2nd’s EMOTIONALLY bracing New Moon in Virgo, occurs in your interpersonal Seventh House of partnerships and agreements, in opposition to stoic Saturn in your First House of self concept. At present, you’re embodying the circumspect nature of Saturn. In the weeks following the New Moon, a new order presents itself through relationships, imploring you to be discerning and set clear boundaries, yet confront contradictions. If not obvious at the time of the New Moon, Mercury’s return to Virgo on the 9th, should clarify and give voice to any issues. On September 4th, athletic Mars, signifier of heroism, brawn and ferocity, enters your Cancer Fifth House of PHYSICAL play and pleasure, artistry and speculative gains. This exciting transit lasts through November 3rd and while challenging for other signs, Pisceans reap the favorable side of Mars in Cancer. This is an impassioned period for you, creative, sexy and adventurous, like a surly sailor never missing out on a thrilling romp or visiting a port he didn’t enjoy. There is a potential for going overboard though, so temper your passions best you can, excess spawns error! Fortunately, the Pisces Full Moon – Lunar Eclipse in your First House of character and self-development on September 17th, presents SPIRITUAL or more accurately, metaphysical maturation. For those who have an intentional practice of self-actualization, this eclipse rewards your efforts. Although it is internal or subconscious shifts that could play the greatest role in this pivotal moment of growth. Magical Mercury’s presence in Virgo alongside the illuminative Sun, the sign Mercury both rules and is exalted in, signals a MENTAL uplevel. Issues brought to fore following September 2nd’s New Moon are resolved through constructive dialogue and a blossoming of your communication skills.