EARTH BOY, DON’T EAT THAT MUSHROOM!!! Priority is with the banana. Farm equipment man. White pants women. Trench foot. PMA not power meters. Did the wheels come off?
EP2: Bohemian Border Bash
Was a yogurt sandwich the right decision? Can Mateo find his way back onto course when he’s lost in his mind? Will he find a place to sleep? Is 12,000 feet in 83 miles too much for Earth Boy to handle? Do you have any questions for Mateo aka Earth Boy? Any reccomondations? Words of encouragement? Does anybody know what sign he is? MSO Celestial Beta is coming in hot and maybe reading his horoscope would be helpful to him?
Click to read the rest of your September Celestial Beta.
Bohemian Border Bash
Ultra Subject Athlete Mateo Peaz aka Earth Boy is headed into a 7-day, 900-mile Cardiogoth Odyssey to bash borders in Bohemia until the wheels come off. Will his training pay off? Will he get lost, rained on, and fall into a ditch coma? Will he Bonk? Can he handle one of the world’s hardest celestial spin classes? Find out here and find out now. OUR LIVE (ISH) PERFORMANCE JOURNALISM COVERAGE OF THE 2023 BOHEMIAN BORDER BASH BEGINS THiS SUNDAY THE 2ND OF SEPTEMBER.
Bucket Hat

I used to talk mad shit about bucket hats. They look stupid. They signal stupid. And but, like you, I’m willing, at times, to let irony inspire and guide my fit decisions, especially when the tech is legit regardless and/or in spite of the wack style. I’m thinking about the many forms of clearly medical-looking footwear that I love and covet and continue to run on the reg because they provide cloud tech. I’m thinking about how every time I shave (1-2 times a month), especially if it’s been a long time like four or five weeks since the last shave, I like to burn in a LolLapalooza grade goatee and wear it around the house for a day or two, weather depending, because mid 90’s grunge alpha larping gives joy. I’m thinking about bandanas in curious positions and playful shapes because flair is fun and attracts existential conversationalism while the bandana itself works to absorb sweat, beat down dust and provide various tactical field options in the face of mercurial and/or tempestuous weather. I’m thinking about my Ohio Dad In The Matrix sunglasses from Distract Vision that keep the steez in and the sun out. And, if it’s made in UL Dyneema fabric for heat retentions and sun protections, and comes with a detachable neck flap reminiscent of a 16th century samurai helmet, I’m also talking about an MSO bucket hat from the near future.
Alba Optics Solo Ultra ESP
DEEP COVET: A Cardiogoth’s Catalog Collection. All “must have” items in this CCC are for Exploring Joy, Experiencing Type 1 Fun and the Creation of Ultra.
- Made in Italy where glaciers, sport, fashion and panache are also made.
- Protect your front and side face from Bad Sun.
- “Come at me.”
- For High Altitude Modes & Sports
- $285 USD
- Barberini® lens made from high resistance tempered Italian glass to handle Extreme High Altitude Environments.
- Crucial UV protection for high altitude quests.
- Reflective and removable nylon Glare Shield with dot matrix materialization.
- Cardiogoth Nose Guard.
- Ergonomic Tips.
- Anti snow blindness technologies.
- Versatility in the face of increased Mode-based specialization.
- Endurance Weight.
- Inside the Outside compatible.
Backpack – Chair

HIGH QUALITY MESH sourced from a Best-In-Class textile manufacturer supplying top of the line Patio Furniture brands. This mesh has structure so it’s ALWAYS OPEN AND READY TO HAUL BIG LOADS; wetsuits, injured Subject Athletes, firewood, everyone’s food and shelters systems for an 8-person 10-day base camp scenario, injured wild animals in need of relocation, immense volumes of Positive energy, etc. Hole Tech allows this bag to drain sand, water, sweat, blood, funk, negative energy, mud, and smaller less valuable rocks so you’re only carrying the shit you want and not the shit you don’t want. Plus these holes are designed to let air and light in which means you can literally watch everything in your bag dry in real time. Don’t get me started on the built-in camp chair because it’s insanely comfortable and artfully integrated. It’s basically a high-end, lightweight version of your dad’s supremely effective camp chair from the 90’s.
NO JOKE THIS iS ONE OF THE BEST BAGS IN THE WORLD. We might have to kickstart this puppy cause it’s a million dollar idea just waiting to happen. Plus it’s technical and great for Rats doing Endurance Modes and Earthlings looking to travel and do road trips.
Click to read the rest of your August Celestial Beta.

In collaborations with After School Projects we made a small number of fanny packs.
We made them so long ago we forgot how much we paid for them and how many we made. Here’s what we do know. They’re upgraded: These have a fidlock buckle cause that’s tech and pro and tactical. And we sewed a handmade MSO patch onto the front which fuctions like a cosmic OnStar—just touch the patch, which is effectiveely a totem or a talisman, like how Leonardo spins the top in inception, and you will find the power needed to continue pushing your Physical, Spiritual, Mental and Emotional limitis in the pursuit of Transformation. We also know that even the stock non-upgraded versions from ASP are built using weatherproof VX Nylon and are sewn here in America.
Ronnie Romance
Bonked—Short stories about Crushing Your Soul—is a new episodic series created to provide Subject Athletes, Outraverts and Cardigoths with yet another form of incredibly useful and potentially life saving Beta for when you and/or your equipment fails catastrophically. Because here’s the thing, pushing your P*S*M*E Inside The Outside in the pursuit of Transformation, Transcendence and Rapture isn’t without risk. And when it comes to Bonking, it’s not a question of if, it’s a question of when. Sooner or later you will find yourself completely empty, defeated, broken, committed and exposed on a “Death March” of your own making. How deep are you prepared to dig? How will you endure (battle) the malaizing and awesomely powerful effects—despair, doom, hypothermia, anxiety, HAPE, Sail-brain, et cetera, et cetera—in an effort to persevere; aka “get home?” Are you stubborn enough? Do you have supernatural tenacity? Point blank, listening to MSO’s Bonked series for inspiration, motivation and emptiness-based creativity may, sometime in the not too distant future, be the only difference between you getting Outside The Inside and back on your feet, or not.