
Hey! Rayon Vert Team here.
Long time no see, we are all fine and in good health. We reached The Gladiator movie location and we havw 75 miles to go, so it means we are halfway, in theory. Our legs are still working, but our minds not so much, we unintentionally cut 40km from our route. We wonder what could happen in the next hours


Hello, we’ve got a plan. There’s no way we’ll ride the full route and make it in time for the last train home. We’ve decided to ride the planned route for 29 hours and see where we get. Then we’ve arranged for a rescue ride!


the night is over but we are not. we hiked more than we biked. two thirds of the distance to go.
currently going for breakfast xoxo


Quick 15hr update:

  • Birds Per Mile has adjusted route to account for lack of water and excess portaging needs. More riding, less rafting.
  • Alaska Snow Kittens braved hours of near 0 degree temps and new snow and have turned back to their car to avoid a possible safety issue over the pass and are evaluating route plans.
  • Shooglin Sisters are safe in civilization after a harrowing traverse across the Scottish countryside. They are adjusting plans to ensure they are able to return home before Monday AM.
  • MSO crew in Oregon have adjusted their route to avoid a blizzard and are considering a DNF.
  • Out To Lunch is spending the night on their raft, we have seen lots of river issues, but no negative reports from this team.


We made it to Virginia city, coming down off the mountain was wild, 70+ mile an hour winds blowing us off the trail. Freezing cold. Virginia city was wild. Grahams derailleur got ripped off so we stopped for a bit to fix it. About to suit up and tag a peak on foot


We’re evaluating and having a risk management meeting. We’ve been slogging for 11 hours and some of us have hit a pretty hard bonk.

It’s windy and really cold out and we thought originally that we would have gotten to our resupply by now. We’re concerned about battery life of our lights.

Known knowns is what’s behind us and that safety is a 17 mile down hill boot scoot n boogie back to town.

We also know there’s 8 more miles to the top of the other side then down hill boogie

Unknown is if we push forward and slow further we could get stuck in between a cold rock and a cold place

Were thinking of a retreat at this point I’m terms of risk management



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