
One time in Sedona, Arizona in 1996 I went on a full moon ride with my friend Greg and a bunch locals but not our friend Rick who we left at camp because he hurt himself playing hackysack while we were getting ready to ride because he was too high and swept his own leg out from under himself. Anyway, we heard about the ride from some dude at a bike shop that we had visited early that day. The dude was like come to Carl’s house and be there by 10:00pm. We got to Carl’s early so while we were waiting for the others to arrive Carl and his friend who said he was a healer suggested we go down to Carl’s basement where there was a massage table set-up for spinal flushes and time permitting some reiki. Greg and I felt safe enough and we didn’t know what either of those things were so we said yeah let’s do that. The spinal flush, which is a chiro thing, felt amazing and weird and didn’t paralyze me which when we were doing it I was certain was a distinct possibility. Next came the reiki. Carl said my energy was really difficult so he had the healer guy run doubles with him. Carl asked where I lived to which I said, Los Angeles because that’s where I lived at the time. Carl was polite but adamant that I MOVE AWAY from LA at once. He said that LA was killing me and that my energy was totally fucked. I was like whatever Carl. Later that night we rode past the seven pools where everyone got high and did yoga which also wasn’t a thing in 1996. Somewhere next to a cactus on some single track under a full moon that night I saw Carl do a no-handed bunny hop over a rock. It reminded me of how my mom transcendental meditated so hard that she was a Siddha. I guess the deal with Siddhas is that they can levitate, and with enough training, walk through walls and subsist on sunshine and water. I think we call that breatharian now. Anyway, I’m not saying Carl floated but that no handed bunnyhop was crazy smooth. I think a coyote howled it when it happened but I might be making that part up. Speaking of howling, as a practice it’s super therapeutic and instantly, profoundly gratifying like doing a rail but minus the coke.

The Outside, Ultrathrash, The Algorithm

THE OUTSIDE is here/hear for you. TO and only TO has Cardiogoth calibrated words of wisdom, encouragements, pointers, style advice, deep meditations on Crystals and Pistols, guidance, beta, weather hacks, tips on Joy Hoarding, etc. The list goes on. Furthermore, MSO is the only PSA-brand that has direct access to The Outside. You’ve heard of Ask The Doctor, Dear Abby and Yoda right? This is just like that but we’re offering you a direct line to the literal Outside. The choice is yours. Succumb to The Algorithm’s deep mediocrity or experience the quickening and daily rapture. Namaste.

Hello, my name is Ultra Thrash. I am the original Cardiogoth, as such I have wisdoms, truths, knowings and fashion advice. Think of me as a soothsayer meets a clairvoyant meets a coach meets a Norse God meets Kokopelli meets a Biking Viking meets a legend meets a wizard meets a shapeshifting lizard-rat. Please let me help you unlock your potential. 

Ask me anything about everything Cardio. I will give you advice for free. Stop coveting my kickflips skills from the shadows cast by your fears, and start learning how to throw down and land shit.

Hey guys, welcome back to The Algorithm. Content, content, content. Don’t look away, you can’t look away, trust me I will make you famous. Let’s smash. YOU ARE SUBSCRIBED.

Exorcize Hat


I was overjoyed when I realized that exercise and exorcise were basically the same word minus a one letter difference. Also they sound basically the same when you say them outloud unless you’re super good at enunciation which nobody is. And then, even better, when I learned there was an acceptable alternative spelling with the “z” replacing the “s” in exorcize I was like, “daaaaamn r u kidding me this word just got even better because zees graphically speaking go super hard and this whole concept is, when you think about, which, dude, I’m always thinking about it, all about going hard.” Some people are well adjusted and that’s super good for them. I don’t know if that’s a nature thing or a nurture thing and tbh I’m not sure it matters if the net net is you’re NOT experiencing the world around you as vaguely hostile and largely inhospitable. I mean, the cognitive dissonance required just to get through lunch on any given day feels, for me, at times, insurmountable. Except, you know what, I can and do surmount it. You know why? Because it’s my civic responsibility, that’s why!!!! And because I’m curious—like, where is this thing headed, ya know. Like,I wanna see how this story ends. And also, I’m a hedonist. Like, I like feeling things and experiencing things and the world is, still, really good at providing experiences. Anyway that’s the why of it but what about the how of it. Me, personally, I need to exorcize through exercise. That’s 1000% HOW I do it. Over the years, I’ve been in so many casual conversations at parties or dinner or holiday gatherings when the topic of cycling and endurance sports comes up and I’m confronted with the presumption that endurance pursuits are about Type 1 Fun. Which, obviously I think they can be. AND DUDE, THAT’S GREAT IF THEY ARE FOR YOU. And dude, sometimes they are for me too! Yay!!!!! Buut but buuuuuuut buuutu butububuut buutub but, honestly, mostly, on the daily, for me it’s not about Type 1 Fun, it’s about thresholds, resetting, “casting out,” moving energy, zeroing out, centering, focus, pain, transformation, surging, comfort with discomfort, transcending the mundane, meditation, the sound of my heartbeat, sweating, tunnel vision, flow state, quieting the lizard, comforting the mammal, and turning the brain off. And so, if any of this sounds familiar, please buy this hat cause we made this hat for you.

Proof that we made this hat for you.

  • We commemorated this concept that is near and dear to you and your mental health through art.
  • Thank you Sasyk Mihal.
  • We put it on a hat that’s made of a TECH material (UPF50+ Fabric) for Endurance Sports.
  • The hat provides shade for your eyes and protection for the rest of your beautiful and wonderful face from mercurial and/or tempestuous weather.
  • It has a TECH toggle for adjustment: Layer under it, have a big head, have a small head, wear it under a mode-specific helmet, wear it casually, whatever just wear it.
  • It’s not a cycling cap. It’s not a running cap. It’s not for baseball.
  • It’s in a category of its own called Endurance. It’s an Endurance Hat.

Emma Pooley

Olympian, World Champion and MSO Subject Athlete Emma Pooley talks to Mythical State Of’s Daniel Wakefield Pasley about ultra endurance, motivation, UTMB, and bikepacking in our first issue of Cardio Goths: Physical, Spiritual, Mental, and Emotional guidance for Subject Athletes.

New Hope V.1 32oz Nalgene


Life Inside The Outside brings us New Hope.


We use Nalgene Water bottles for four reasons;

  1. Made in America
  2. The original.
  3. Plastic
  4. Nalgene water bottles are one of the four Cardio Goth / Subject Athlete / Endurance Cult Hydration Kit Cornerstones; 1) Nalgene Water Bottle,  2) Bike Water Bottle (Preferably Camelbak or Specialized), 3)  Hydration Bladder (Preferably Platypus or Camelbak) 4) Ultra lite flask or 20oz generic store bought water bottle.

PSME Bandana


You are a horse. You have power and speed. You are capable of crossing great distances with or without a load. You have great hair, which, when it comes to your mane and tail, you can wear and style many different ways including braids and plaits. You come in many different colors and patterns. You can cross rivers and mountains. You are the ultimate adventure vehicle. You’re super good at endurance. When you push your PHYSICALSPIRITUALMENTAL and EMOTIONAL limitations without causation it can and will lead to transformation, which itself can and will lead to transcendence, which is how a Pegasus is born.



  1. KEEPING YOU COOL WHEN IT’S WET: In the summer, cotton is straight-up a technical fabric because it keeps you cool when it’s wet, which is desirable on a hot and humid day.
  2. HAND FEEL: Tees have been made from cotton since the dawn of time because nothing feels better on your skin than cotton. Yes, other natural fabrics like merino and hemp can and do sometimes feel great but never as reliably and consistently as cotton. Cotton T-shirts are the most iconic pop lifestyle artifact ever made.
  3. DURABILITY: Cotton is as tough and rugged as you are.
  4. BEING FIXABLE: Eventually it will fail because you will wear it all the time—day after day, year after year— but don’t fret, cotton is v easy to darn or repair with patches or whatever, also, if and when it comes to repairing your cotton tee—you’re welcome for the opportunity to add flair and augmentation.
  6. BEING A TOWEL IN PLACE OF AN ACTUAL TOWEL for whatever because Absorption Tech™. Cardio Goths, Subject Athletes and Endurance Cult Members have used cotton t-shirts in place of an actual towels since the dawn of Inside The Outside; as a towell (hand and/or wearable) post hot spring or swimming hole event, in place of a napkin or tissue while eating, has head gear under a cap (or solo) on super sunny and hot days, etc.
  7. LOOKING GOOD: Synthetic or “Tech” shirts suck at looking good in 99.9% of environments and lighting conditions. They also smell bad and are uncomfortable in all casual and most athletic scenarios.
  8. PRINTING AND ART: Silk Screening is an ancient and venerable art form that works especially good on cotton.


Celestial Beta, a horoscope tailored specifically to the needs of Subject Athletes going Inside The Outside. Written every month by Astrologer, Torrence Tremayne. If you’re an Endurance Cult Member, Rat, Sky Runner, All Terrain Bicycler, Orienteer, Privateer, Dead Reckoner, Future Naturer, Vortexual, Recreationalist, Merv, Randonerd, road cycler or similar please use and enjoy this horoscope.

Click to read the rest of your November Celestial Beta.
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