EXPERIENCE EARTH’S ENERGIES is a study of Transcendence through movement, and a visual examination of the intersection/amalgamation of Energy and Metaphysical Fitness, within the larger context of both the literal and metaphorical “The Outside
The Outside: a place or realm wherein the symbiotic relationship between human and landscape is explored through intention, connection and awe. The practice is called Endurancism, and the practitioners are called Subject Athlete.
Brought to you by the Mythical State of New Age Practices and Principles

“You are what you eat.” – Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, Physiologie du Goût, ou Méditations de Gastronomie Transcendante.
We need healthy energy to survive, we need positive energy to thrive. The cosmos and everything in it is made of energy. Energy is a primal force from which everything emanates and sustains. Reach for the infinite potential and interconnectedness of the universe. Bad energy breeds negativity, drains vitality, creates toxic environments, subjugates joy and perverts happiness. DON’T GET ZAPPED.
We need energy in all FOUR zones.
- Physical: We need energy for physiological purposes, dancing and Endurance.
- Spiritual: Energy provides meaning, purpose and transcendence which is all food for our souls.
- Mental: Energy powers creativity, self-expression and storytelling.
- Emotional: Positive energy enhances feelings of joy, love, and inspiration, while low energy can contribute to emotional fatigue, apathy, and emotional malaise.
No energy, or bad energy, is Physical, Spiritual, Mental and Emotional death, and yet we spend most of our lives immersed and submerged in technologically modern environments such as towns, cities, the internet, and any and all spaces under the spell-like control of AI and/or the yoke of The Algorithm, e.g. Toxic Energy Sources:
- Light pollution, impacting circadian rhythms and causing sleep disorders.
- Continuous exposure to high levels of noise, causing deafness and various psychological issues.
- Electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation quietly “cooking” us from the inside out causes anxiety, stress and depression.
- Nuclear radiation leads to radiation sickness and genetic mutations.
- Power Lines buzzing in a menacing and malignant manner.
- Microwaves microwaving.
- Toxic emissions caused by industrialization and unchecked capitalism enters your body.
- Chemical byproducts in our Earth, Wind, Water and Fire.
- Airborne pollutants entering orifices and pores degrade function.
- Crowdsourced “creativity”, promotes and nurtures widespread or “everyday” mediocrity.
- Algorithmically generated impulses drive culture, technology, art and fashion to the exclusion of “sparked” thought originating in actual humans.
- Artificial ultrasonic frequencies drowning out Earth’s heartbeat: 7.83Hz.
- Malevolent supernatural entities causing fear, anger, anxiety and stress.
- Improperly conducted rituals or misguided spiritual practices, making people intolerant, stupid, angry and violent.
- Artificially generated ionizing.
- Inspiration Stagnation or “Club Zombie.”
- Electrosmog.
- Imbalanced Geopathic Zones, such as dry riverbeds, no longer flowing with water due to extended droughts caused by climate change, causes depression and disordered thinking.
- DNA-altering X-rays and gamma rays.
- Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are everywhere.
- Emotional Negativity at work and in toxic relationships.
- High-frequency vibrations killing your vibe.
- Psychic attacks and Possession.
- Geomagnetic disturbances causing transient physiological and psychological effects.
- Spiritual disharmony: the result of feeling “disconnected” caused by social media, FOMO and the ubiquitous presence of the internet.

Experience Earth’s Energies, and time permitting, seek awe.
The short answer: Experiencing Earth’s Energies promotes Physical, Spiritual, Mental and Emotional Well-Being, which in turn will C-O-N-N-E-C-T you to Earth and Earthlings. You are Here. You are a Subject Athlete. Find Comfort with Discomfort. Achieve Metaphysical Fitness. Fun x Play x Joy. Moments of Rapture.

- Stress reduction
- Physical rejuvenation
- Mental clarity
- Improved mood
- Enhanced creativity
- Boosted immune system
- Increased vitality
- Emotional healing
- Enhanced spiritual connection
- Improved sleep
- Environmental awareness
- Shared experiences
- Enhanced senses
- Awe
The longer, more complicated answer: Theoretically, Ascension.
As follows: the Known Knowns, Known Unknowns and Unknown Unknowns of theoretically experiencing Ascension:
- Reveal hidden connections between individuals, events, and the universe.
- Unlock new levels of perception.
- On-demand Flow State.
- Perceive and navigate multiple dimensions.
- Time Control.
- More colors.
- Experience Eternal Now.
- Vortexual Healing.
- Theme Music.
- Harmonious Synchronicity.
- Use the quantum field to manifest desires.
- DNA Activation.
- FKT Support.
- Interdimensional Communication.
- Collective Consciousness Evolution.
- Energetic Alchemy.
- Akashic Records Access.
- Key Master.
- Remote Viewing.
- Galactic Service Coverage.
- Environmental Harmony.
- New healing modalities and techniques based on quantum principles.
- Universal Wisdom Integration.
- Unconditional Love Embodiment.
- Liberation from suffering and attachment.
- Enhanced empathy and compassion.
- Paradox Integration.
- Portal Maps.
- Augmented Intuition.
- Love Expansion.
- Ego Transcendence.

Step 1:
RESONANCE: Touch and feel the earth. Ground yourself. Bathe, melt, fold and sink yourself into your surroundings. Call and respond to your natural environment. Harmonize with the terrain. Establish a geoconnection. Immerse, integrate and mimic Earth’s shapes, colors, and relief. Commune with nature. Achieve textural symbiosis. Syncopate your internal rhythms to Earth’s heartbeat: 7.83Hz. Vibe.

Step 2:
SYNCHRONICITY OR FLOW STATE: Through manifested movement, style and breathing, align your Physical, Spiritual, Mental and Emotional wavelengths to Find Your Line, the hallmark of which are a magical confluence of action and awareness commonly referred to as “being in the zone.” When in Flow State, time becomes meaningless at best, limits are pushed, and anything can be accomplished. Achieving Flow State requires maintaining a high level of intrinsic motivation.
Step 3:
TRANSGRESSION, AKA “SESSIONING SPOTS:” Prolonged exposure to Flow State can open portals, doorways, and thresholds of extraordinary possibilities. Through transgression, Subject Athletes transcend their perceived limitations, unlocking new dimensions of human potential and disrupting conventional realities.

Step 4:
ASCENSION: Choose from the following: Dimensional Trespassing, Whirlpooling, Chancing, Aura Capture, Spireing, Ion Surfing, Knobby Pleasures, Cosmic Alignments, Spiritual Heuristics, Vortexual Odyssey, Lemurians, Cloud Spotting, MODE—ING aka “Way of the Rat”; ATB, BRVT, AT, XC, XTRM, FKT, Headwatering, Summit & Alpine Touring, Holing, Wizard Encounters, Thermaphiling, Spirit Animaling, First Contacting, Matah Kagami Spotting, Pluto’s Cave, Chthonic Empires Underground Dwelling, Vortices, Hounding, Harmonic Convergence, Micro Macro, Celestial Magnitude, Terrestrial Hingepoint, Volcanic Ziggurat, Crystals & Pistols, Sacred Pooling, Sound Bathing, Subterranean Walkabouting, Vertical Vision Questing, Ley Lines, Geo-Parkour, Stargazing, Time Lapsing, Howling, Extra-Planer Access.

An incomplete list of ways that AI and Algorithms are already controlling you:
- Suggested content, products, and services,
- Curated news and facts.
- Behavioral advertising.
- Information access through search engine rankings.
- Content filtering.
- Automated decision-making.
- Predictive policing.
- Financial trading.
- Voice assistants and smart devices.
- Health monitoring and diagnosis.
- Surveillance systems.
- Social credit systems.
- Academic research and publication.
- Emotional manipulation.
- Social media addiction.
- Decreased empathy.
- Superficial connections.
- Online harassment and trolling.
- Disruption of local communities.
- Algorithmic bias and discrimination.

- Arches
- Hoodoos
- Bridges
- Slots
- Fins
- Plateaus
- Caves
- Balances
- Faults
- Folds
- Monoclines
- Grabens
- Domes
- Karsts
- Buttes
- Mesas
- Cliffs
- Escarpments
- Alluvial Fans
- Pedestals
- Tafoni
- Lava Flows

26 in stock
Handmade in San Francisco by Colpa Press.

Hi, my name is Daniel. In this video I’m providing you with undeniable proof that A) This zine exists B) That this zine goes hard C) That zine is a physical object full of tangible inspiration and joy, and D) That while this zine production is simple and low fi, the design and photographic reproduction are both TOP NOTCH.
Direction | Emiliano Granado |
A Stills | Emiliano Granado |
B Stills | Daniel Wakefield Pasley |
Motion | Justin Balog |
Producer | Claudia Decaro |
Strategy and Vision | Hunter Murphy |
Graphic Design & Art Direction | Maria Chiara Choro |
Editor | Taylor Kruse |
Models | Rio Lakeshore, Noot, Graham and Mac |
Product Support | District Vision, Norda, and Rayonvert |