HIGH QUALITY MESH sourced from a Best-In-Class textile manufacturer supplying top of the line Patio Furniture brands. This mesh has structure so it’s ALWAYS OPEN AND READY TO HAUL BIG LOADS; wetsuits, injured Subject Athletes, firewood, everyone’s food and shelters systems for an 8-person 10-day base camp scenario, injured wild animals in need of relocation, immense volumes of Positive energy, etc. Hole Tech allows this bag to drain sand, water, sweat, blood, funk, negative energy, mud, and smaller less valuable rocks so you’re only carrying the shit you want and not the shit you don’t want. Plus these holes are designed to let air and light in which means you can literally watch everything in your bag dry in real time. Don’t get me started on the built-in camp chair because it’s insanely comfortable and artfully integrated. It’s basically a high-end, lightweight version of your dad’s supremely effective camp chair from the 90’s.
NO JOKE THIS iS ONE OF THE BEST BAGS IN THE WORLD. We might have to kickstart this puppy cause it’s a million dollar idea just waiting to happen. Plus it’s technical and great for Rats doing Endurance Modes and Earthlings looking to travel and do road trips.