The Outside, Ultrathrash, The Algorithm

THE OUTSIDE is here/hear for you. TO and only TO has Cardiogoth calibrated words of wisdom, encouragements, pointers, style advice, deep meditations on Crystals and Pistols, guidance, beta, weather hacks, tips on Joy Hoarding, etc. The list goes on. Furthermore, MSO is the only PSA-brand that has direct access to The Outside. You’ve heard of Ask The Doctor, Dear Abby and Yoda right? This is just like that but we’re offering you a direct line to the literal Outside. The choice is yours. Succumb to The Algorithm’s deep mediocrity or experience the quickening and daily rapture. Namaste.

Hello, my name is Ultra Thrash. I am the original Cardiogoth, as such I have wisdoms, truths, knowings and fashion advice. Think of me as a soothsayer meets a clairvoyant meets a coach meets a Norse God meets Kokopelli meets a Biking Viking meets a legend meets a wizard meets a shapeshifting lizard-rat. Please let me help you unlock your potential. 

Ask me anything about everything Cardio. I will give you advice for free. Stop coveting my kickflips skills from the shadows cast by your fears, and start learning how to throw down and land shit.

Hey guys, welcome back to The Algorithm. Content, content, content. Don’t look away, you can’t look away, trust me I will make you famous. Let’s smash. YOU ARE SUBSCRIBED.

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