For Best Results, Read Your Rising Sign


October kicks off with a Libra New Moon – Solar Eclipse in your Seventh House of interpersonal relations and partnership. This especially potent New Moon, initiates a nine-year paradigm in relationships. Though, a spiky square aspect with crabby Mars in your Cancer Fourth House of home, privacy and EMOTIONAL foundations, indicates intimate or family drama taking center stage, some relationships could radically pivot. Due to a tough aspect between the messenger Mercury and instigative Mars through October 6th, an especially sensitive and sympathetic approach to dialogue is necessary. Constructive criticism delivered with genuine care eases tension and increases trust with those strong enough to endure. MENTAL health’s role in relationships may be better understood by October 13th, as Mercury forms a dynamic aspect to transformational Pluto in your Capricorn Tenth House of public life, profession and reputation. As bonds shapeshift, you’ll refine your perceptions of others, while likewise, they’ll recalibrate their conception of you. October 13th-17th, Mercury joins Venus in passionate Scorpio, prompting deeper introspection and internal excavation for the sake of negotiating more genuine terms of engagement. In the days leading up to and following October 17th, you experience a significant boost in vitality, thanks to an Aries Full Moon in your First House of the PHYSICAL body, identity and lifeforce. This explosive Full Moon makes hard aspects to both Mars and Pluto, a potentially challenging, though necessary, period of purgation and transmutation. A supportive aspect between the Full Moon and Jupiter, planet of SPIRITUAL belief and optimism, begets increased confidence. Coupled with intense focus and clever strategy, you’ll easily seize this moment. Although, as competition takes on an especially grandiose and ferocious tenor, be mindful of injury.


On October 2nd a New Moon – Solar Eclipse in your fellow Venus-ruled sign of Libra, your Sixth House of health and fitness routines, as well as the attendant experts, indicates a significant opportunity to reform these aspects of your life. The editor, Mercury, sits alongside this New Moon in a dynamically rebellious square with strategic Mars, currently in Cancer. This is the ideal opportunity to critically assess your fitness and nutrition programs, cutting through sentimentality to see them purely for their utility and value. While these processes of revision may be taxing, they encourage you to release that which no longer resonates with your present skill level and proficiency. This includes figures like personal trainers or coaches. Seek support from those professionals and colleagues who will both encourage your PHYSICAL development, and help you in improving your MENTAL disposition. Your perspective and self-belief plays a huge role here. Fortunately, on October 13th, a confronting aspect between cognitive Mercury and alchemical Pluto in your Ninth House of worldview, existential purpose, higher learning and SPIRITUAL beliefs, spurs a tectonic shift in your outlook. A revolutionary impulse to pursue new knowledge, expand your mind in profound ways and craft an empowering mission statement for your life sets in. As the month comes to a close, relational Venus enters your Sagittarius Eighth House of entanglements on October 17th, beginning a challenging aspect with restrictive Saturn in your Eleventh House of community that comes to climax on October 28th. Community becomes a site of EMOTIONAL maturation, as allegiances or shared obligations amongst groups or teams are seriously tested. However this manifests, Saturn’s wisdom ultimately arrives through patience, humility and perseverance through difficulty.


The Libra New Moon – Solar Eclipse in your Fifth House of PHYSICAL play, recreation and sport, inaugurates a new era in your athletic journey. And as indicated by a dynamic and stimulating aspect with the renegade sportsman Mars, in your Second House of money, you could be called to partake in a new venture that requires a significant personal investment, or even some financial risk on your part. For example, maybe now is the time, finally, for you to purchase a titanium Chumba Yaupon and build-up the ultimate John Tomac inspired drop bar mountain bike for a 30 day hut-to-hut ATB mission through the Italian Alps next summer. Or maybe you should buy a round of Speedland GL:PDXs for the local Sky Running team you just created and sponsored. Whatever the enterprise, there is a critical financial component and at the Aries Full Moon on the 17th, you could experience an equal measure of EMOTIONAL stress and prideful satisfaction at tangible results you’ve accrued. A supportive aspect with the sage planet of gratitude, Jupiter, encourages you to recognize challenges as opportunities to develop resilience, in addition to being a natural part of the path toward accomplishment. Throughout the month, beginning October 9th to February 4, 2025, Jupiter begins its retrograde in your sign, a period of potent introspection and profound self-appraisal. The latter half of October is an ideal month to either begin or broaden your SPIRITUAL practice. Meditation, talk therapy or journaling, could be powerful anchors throughout this latter part of the year. As perceptive Mercury in your Scorpio Sixth House of wellness routines opposes unconventional Uranus in your contemplative Taurus Twelfth House on October 28th, revolutionary insights could strike during spiritual reflection that benefit your everyday MENTAL health.


The Libra New Moon – Solar Eclipse on October 2nd, takes place in your deeply private Fourth House of the personal foundation, roots, home, family and heritage. This New Moon is especially potent as a point of initiation and indicates both a PHYSICAL and MENTAL period of renewal, with long lasting implications. Firstly, a New Moon – Solar Eclipse in this part of your chart encourages privacy, retreat and bodily self-care. Stimulating, action-oriented Mars is currently in your sign, making one prone to injury, while instigating aches, pains, and inflammation. This New Moon, in the sign of balance and harmony, Libra, is ruled by sensuous Venus transiting your Scorpio Fifth House of recreation and pleasure, so treat yourself to a deep tissue massage or all-round spa day. Your body will thank you for it. Additionally, Mars in your Cancer First House of the body forms a contentious aspect with cognitive Mercury through October 6th, so anxiety could be an issue and seeking out somatic salves to mental stressors could be helpful. Mercury joins Venus in your Scorpio Fifth House of play and enjoyment on October 13th, bringing significant psychological relief and further turning your attention to personal gratification. Venus’ rousing trine aspect to ecstatic Neptune in your SPIRITUAL Pisces Ninth House of the esoteric and philosophical on the 15th, could even present a fantastic day for micro-dosing or psychedelic recreation. October 17th’s Aries Full Moon presents an EMOTIONAL climax, as It’s possible that leadership and authority will be granted to you, forcing a rapid personal evolution. This also indicates a consequential transformation of your most significant intimate and professional relationships. The inner resilience you’ve cultivated throughout the month will serve to support you through this paradigm shift.


A Libra New Moon – Solar Eclipse on October 2nd in your Third House of kinship, the local environment, skill sharing and habitual MENTAL patterns, signifies the beginning of a nine-year period of change or development with these aspects of life. A dynamic square from moody Mars in your secluded, reflective Cancer Twelfth House, to communication planet Mercury in your Third House, signifies this as an excellent time to begin a personal project. One that you’ll likely develop mostly in secret or in isolation. The Mercury-Mars square could indicate anxiety or a lack of confidence in pursuit of this endeavor that are meant to be overcome. This could feel more intense at the exact square on October 6th, though you’re meant to hone your focus, implement an effective strategy and to push through any self-sabotaging urges, regardless. Mercury joins relational and creative Venus in your foundational Scorpio Fourth House on October 13th, followed by Venus’ opposition to the change agent, Uranus, the very next day. Venus opposite Uranus presents EMOTIONAL paradigm shifts artistically or in relationships. As Uranus is transiting your Taurus Tenth House of public life, reputation and profession, this revolutionary moment will be highly visible. Consider how your professional offering or legacy could be an enriching source of inspiration for others. Courage in the face of fears around sharing your creative or intellectual gifts could also lead to major SPIRITUAL growth this month, especially by the Aries Full Moon on October 17th. Seeking out a community that supports you in these endeavors could make all the difference, thanks to an affirmative aspect from beneficent Jupiter. By the 22nd, the PHYSICALLY enlivening Sun, your ruling luminary, enters your Fourth House, encouraging your vitality and an internal drive for self-actualization and purposeful action.


Disruptions amongst the organizations you participate in are coupled with a financially potent and liberatory, Libra New Moon – Solar Eclipse on October 2nd. This fateful New Moon – Solar Eclipse initiates a nine-year era, though requires an EMOTIONAL letting go or detachment at first. As the ruler of the eclipse, Venus, signifier of rewards, fellowship and accord, forms supportives aspects with both action-oriented Mars and prudent Saturn in the social houses, you’re encouraged to foster new relationships centered around a common cause or collective investment. Building a foundation or crafting a framework in collaboration with others, such as starting a business or taking on a sponsorship, could be a calling, as this eclipse is in the Second House of income. While the first half of the month could feel rocky in regards to this endeavor, by October 13th, the planet of communication and commerce, Mercury, enters your Scorpio Third House of habitual patterns of mind. Mercury in Scorpio offers extreme focus, clarity and MENTAL discipline, strengthening skills and aiding your implementation of effective strategy. Even though moodiness and impassioned disagreement could color joint activities, you’ll likely have tangible proof that your team is on the right track by the Aries Full Moon in your Eighth House of shared assets on the 18th. Enriching SPIRITUAL insights strike like lightning when Venus opposes Uranus on October 14th. This inspired tone shift continues through the end of the month, as Venus carries these insights into your Sagittarius Fourth House of one’s inner world on the 17th, beginning an opposition with Jupiter, signifier of METAPHYSICAL fortune. This transit emphasizes your hidden gifts and encourages public creative expression, making late October a wonderful time to lend your talents to the world.


METAPHYSICAL renewal arrives with the Libra New Moon – Solar Eclipse, in your sign on October 2nd. This fateful new beginning establishes a pioneering nine-year paradigm, one in which your athletic ventures will take on an increased prominence before the world. Mars, the sportsman and warrior, is in the most prominent and public part of your chart at the time of the eclipse, your Cancer Tenth House of vocation, achievement and reputation, forming a dynamic square aspect to the Libra New Moon. As Mars also squares the communication and information media planet currently transiting your sign, Mercury, this increases the influence of your voice through public platforms. Mercury, signifier of MENTAL processes is also in a supportive trine aspect with shrewd and insightful Jupiter in your Gemini Ninth House of SPIRITUALITY, higher learning and publishing, on October 9th, so starting a podcast, Substack newsletter or working on a book, are auspicious uses of your time. Although, vexing Mars’ transit through your Tenth House, as well as a contact between elevating Jupiter in Gemini and the wounded healer Chiron, currently in your Aries Seventh House of other people, indicates sharing your thoughts and ideas with an audience could be a pain point or source of fear. While Librans are often gifted with socializing, playing a support role and quite eloquent with words, being misunderstood or disliked could be a trigger for you. October demands you overcome any aversion to disagreement for the sake of strengthening leadership skills and making a social impact. The Aries Full Moon in your Seventh House of interrelationship on October 17th offers a challenging, though EMOTIONALLY transformative juncture, urging you to embody a newly confident, empowered sense of self in all dealings with others.


Retreat and introspection is fostered at the Libra New Moon – Solar Eclipse, in your Twelfth House of quiet contemplation and solitary practices on October 2nd. This eclipse signifies both the end and beginning of a nine-year cycle, so as the planet of perception and insight, Mercury, travels through Libra and forms a dynamic, square aspect with impassioned Mars in your Ninth House of SPIRITUALITY, vision and one’s worldview, you could experience striking intuitive clarity. A note of caution though, as the Twelfth House is a lonely environment of self-negation and Mars can be divisive in Cancer Ninth House of belief, be wary of isolating delusions or fanaticism. On October 13th, Mercury enters your sign, amplifying your voice and further sharpening your MENTAL acumen. With the cosmic messenger in Scorpio, intense analysis, piercing observations, rigorous use of language and probing inquiry reign. Utilize this transit to fine tune important projects, engage in serious dialogue or contemplate issues of EMOTIONAL profundity. As we arrive at the Aries Full Moon on October 17th in your Sixth House of wellness, your attention is somewhat drawn from the cerebral to the corporeal. Due to a galvanizing aspect between the Full Moon and alchemical Pluto, a perspectival shift regarding your PHYSICAL fitness and health is likely, instigated by empowering developments in your mental wellness journey. The luminous Sun returns to your sign for its yearly visit on October 22nd, shedding a refreshing light on your life. The Sun renews and enlightens your existential purpose, or life’s mission statement. Yet, its aspects to the outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, through late November, denote a climactic turn of the tide and fundamental metamorphosis. It’s time to break out of a chrysalis you’ve been bound to for over a decade.


Your apprehension of finances within the context of organizations undergoes a sharp turn as mercantile Mercury, signifier of money and commerce, forms an agitated though dynamic square with Mars in your Cancer Eighth House of financial entanglements on October 6th. The possibility of MENTAL anxiety or stress regarding resources could come to fore, especially as related to teams or companies that you’re involved with. While a supportive trine to Jupiter in your partnership house eases any strain on the relationships themselves, you are being empowered to transform the way you approach these matters within the community. Yet, the most significant astrological shifts of October, arrive around the middle of the month. On the 17th, an Aries Full Moon takes place in your Fifth House of PHYSICAL play, sport, leisure and entertainment. Full Moon’s always indicate completion, though a square between the Full Moon and Mars in your Eighth House of expiration and tribulations, emphasizes the quality of finality or separation at this time. Despite potential endings of entangled relationships, you’re likely to be in good spirits. Even if competition doesn’t conclude with a win, Venus, planet of sweetness and pleasure, enters your sign, uplifting your EMOTIONAL disposition and emphasizing your personal charms. The likelihood of connecting with better aligned personalities increases throughout this transit, as magnetic Venus opposes fortunate Jupiter, through November 11th. This is a magnificent period of attracting rare opportunities through socializing; something you’re naturally gifted at. SPIRITUAL clarity graces you as the enlightening Sun enters your Twelfth House of solitude and introspection on October 22nd. While some inner pain or shadow material may be up for illumination, this Scorpio season should bring a cleansing sense of levity and freedom.


The tenor surrounding your legacy, vocation and public life, is up for a refreshing, though fated renewal. The shift regarding these aspects of your life is due to the Libra New Moon – Solar Eclipse on October 2nd, which essentially cleanses the prior iteration of your public face and opens the door to a new professional chapter. Venus, the ruling planet of the New Moon, is in your Eleventh House of organizations and groups, indicating that the changes are specifically related to the teams or even companies that you not only participate in but are socially identified with. You may even be called to branch out from partnerships which hold significant sentimental or EMOTIONAL value. As the planet of cognition and communication, Mercury makes its way through Libra until the 13th, it forms contentious, yet activating square aspects with Mars, signifier of cutting and separation. This transit, especially potent October 4th-6th, eases the MENTAL acceptance necessary to process discomforting change, while offering you the practical skills needed to facilitate a parting of ways which could otherwise be difficult to perform. On October 17th, the Aries Full Moon culminates in your Fourth House of the inner world and PHYSICAL foundation. This Full Moon receives a pointed, though revelatory aspect from alchemical Pluto, planet of cathartic transformation, in your sign. This transit indicates a climactic moment of change, urging your psychological growth, a deepened capacity for self-knowledge and intensified faculty for leadership. Alongside October 17th’s Aries Full Moon, Venus, signifier of harmony, enters your Sagittarius Twelfth House of solitary practice, liminality and introspection. While you may be called to more seclusion, until November 11th, embrace a sense of quiet sanctuary, as genuine SPIRITUAL insights are available to you.


A Libra New Moon – Solar Eclipse on October 2nd, kicks off a month in which you experience significant pivots regarding your outlook and sense of purpose, with tangible consequences for your public life. The solar eclipse is in your Ninth House of worldview, higher learning and belief systems, furthering a new nine-year cycle of SPIRITUAL development, preceded by a fateful emancipation from outmoded points of view. As Venus the governor of Libra is in your Scorpio Tenth House of vocation and achievements at the time of the New Moon, it’s possible that you’re pioneering some venture or exploring new professional avenues moving forward. A square between the eclipse and Mars in Cancer, indicates that your sentiments about the daily labor you have historically performed has been exhausted and that you may no longer feel beholden to a familiar workplace, or set of responsibilities. These circumstances develop up to October 17th’s Aries Full Moon, in your Third House of habitual mindset. Your focus will again be on work and duty, though at this time, adopt an optimistic, visionary MENTALITY and invest your EMOTIONAL energy into manifesting results. Networking and brainstorming amongst a trusted crew, is a powerful means to success, for Venus enters your Sagittarius Eleventh House of aspirations, benefactors and teams, on the same day of the Aries Full Moon. In the illustrious Eleventh House, Venus brings favor and opportunity through your wider circles of association. Socializing and attending events, in PHYSICAL, rather than digital space, is an auspicious opportunity attractor while Venus transits fiery Sagittarius. Visibility only increases and the spotlight on you brightens when the luminous Sun enters your Scorpio Tenth House on October 22nd. Take advantage of this attention and make your mark.


October promises to be a powerful period of deliverance from sticky entanglements that could have defined the last nine years of your life. A Libra New Moon – Solar Eclipse on October 2nd in your Eighth House of shared finances, liabilities, crises and indemnity, marks a pivot regarding your EMOTIONAL relationship with money, especially finances or resources tied up with other people or entities. Your sense of personal limitation may have felt especially profound these last couple of years, as restrictive Saturn in Pisces has made its way through your house of self-concept. Although, creative breakthroughs regarding your outlook shape the month, as artful Venus, ruler of the eclipse, alongwith strategic Mars, make constructive aspects to Saturn, the signifier of maturation and perseverance through pain or obstruction. Anxieties can be released, as your patience is enhanced and perception of problems and their capacity for resolution is especially keen. Mercury’s ingress into your Scorpio Ninth House of wisdom and higher learning, lends itself to overcoming even the most entrenched dilemmas with a thirst for hidden knowledge, extreme ingenuity and fierce MENTAL prowess. Beginning October 9th, your ruling planet Jupiter begins its retrograde in your Gemini Fourth House of private life, family, one’s inner world and subconscious foundation, until early February 2025. This retrograde could be draining, as the ruler of your PHYSICAL vitality, reverses motion in the archetypal underworld of the chart, prompting an emphasis on introversion, restoration and introspection. Favorably, as the enlightening Sun enters your Scorpio Ninth House of existential purpose and philosophical beliefs on October 22nd, contemplative and meditative activity could provide profound solace and an inclination to dedicate yourself to the pursuit of SPIRITUAL development.

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