Celestial Beta is the only horoscope tailored specifically to the Metaphysical needs of Subject Athletes going inside The Outside. Commissioned by MSO and written by astrologer Torrence Tremayne, Celestial Beta provides the kind of actionable insights into your Physical, Spiritual, Mental and Emotional outlook that can and will make a difference to the execution of your Endurance Pursuits

The ruler of your Gemini Third House of the habitual mindset, close kin, daily routines and your immediate environment, Mercury, returns to its airy domicile on June 3rd. Mercury is the signifier of MENTAL processes, intellect, communication and analysis, so this is a fantastic time to evaluate and make practical improvements to your everyday life. Jupiter, planet of growth and benevolence, brings an effervescent sense of optimism to your daily experience, now that it is also in your Gemini Third House. Utilize the extremely auspicious Gemini New Moon on June 6th as a kickoff point for this process of optimization. The more one embraces curiosity, humor and a hint of creative chaos, the better the results! On June 20th, the enlightening Sun joins compassionate Venus in your foundational Cancer Fourth House of the home, EMOTIONAL core, family and private life. The venture of the Sun into your Fourth House of personal depths, sheds light on relational dynamics fostered within your family of origin, that are continuing to play out in your adult life. This is positive though, since the Sun journeys alongside Venus in Cancer, who nurtures, alleviating discomfort with empathy and gentle care. The Sun and Venus in your Fourth House support easeful, psychological integration and SPIRITUAL clarity, deepening self-love. The Capricorn Full Moon in your public Tenth House on June 21st, represents a climactic moment of achievement and likely significant visibility in the world. A great day for PHYSICAL competition and leadership, thanks to Sun-Venus in Cancer, you are internally resourced to present your best.

Patience is vital for you this month, as Mars, planet of brawn, bravery and battles, enters your sign on June 9th. In your PHYSICAL constitution and fitness house, Mars presents both challenges and opportunities through July 20th. Mars faces difficulty in Taurus, as your sign is one of ease and stability, while Mars frankly enjoys discord and strife. Mars moves quickly, haphazardly even, while your Venusian sign plods on, calmly, methodically. Be cautious of injury during this transit, taking special care to avoid bodily harm or exceed your limits in the heat of a moment. Mercury’s entry into your Cancer Third House on June 17th, alongside your synthesizing ruler, Venus, allows for a fortifying contact between your Taurus and Cancer houses. This support between the house of your physicality and the house of your MENTAL patterning, helps offset the Taurus Mars’ disruptive qualities. The Mercury-Venus conjunction in Cancer supports Mars, increasing your already impressive stamina and spurring creative passion. Tend to your artistic gifts for no reason but your own joyous, self-expression. Writing, art, music or performance, could be especially safe, healthy channels for those EMOTIONS which are most difficult to embody. The enlightening Sun’s entry into Cancer brings further intelligibility to these thoughts and feelings on June 20th. This is well complimented by a Capricorn Full Moon in your Ninth House of SPIRITUAL beliefs, philosophy and worldview on June 21st. Finding a community of like-minded souls could unlock a great deal of clarity about how you could ideally contribute your existential purpose to the world.

Jupiter, signifier of success, optimism and advancement, is now in Gemini! June is an extra special month for Geminians, as your ruling planet Mercury enters your sign on June 3rd, joining both benefic planets, Jupiter and Venus. These planets generally indicate goodness, so this bodes well for all aspects of your life. Comprehensive METAPHYSICAL wellbeing may sound ambitious, though if considered instead as holistic wellbeing, you begin to understand the immense gifts available to you this June. Jupiter, alongside the signifier of harmony and reward, Venus, as well as magic and articulation, Mercury, offers incredible creative potential through community, partnerships or collaborations. Honing your MENTAL focus and EMOTIONAL energies into a significant endeavor would be highly advantageous per this astrology. Speak aloud and sing spells of the world, literally or metaphorically, in which you’d like to live. You are likely to be well resourced and supported by those who resonate with your values and vision. In the two weeks following the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini on June 3rd and the Gemini New Moon on June 6th, your daily experience could be buzzing with electrifying insights and synchronicities. While you may sometimes fall prey to negative distractions or anxieties, this gorgeous month presents copious opportunities to pivot toward fantastic new iterations of your life. Find the practice or activity that lifts you into a flow state, a liberatory condition of SPIRITUAL peace and universal connection, so that you may be most receptive to the cosmic gifts coming your way.

The archetypal SPIRITUAL guide and ultimate wisdom teacher, Jupiter, is now in your Gemini Twelfth House of solitude, introspection and contemplation until June 2025. Jupiter is also the signifier of benevolence, expansion and coherence, so in the Twelfth House, a place that most negatively relates to self-negation and self-sabotage, this could be a wonderfully healing transit. Jupiter brings comprehension, so through quiet reflection and constructive use of your alone time, you could come to better understanding of your subconscious patterning. Enlightening insights and MENTAL clarity are sparked from the June 6th’s Gemini New Moon, onward through Mercury’s entry into your sign on June 17th. Mercury, signifier of intellect and problem solving, meets both benefic planets this month. First with sagacious Jupiter in Gemini on the 4th, then with harmonizing Venus in Cancer on the 17th, underscoring your mindset as the key to greater personal development. Once the illuminating Sun enters Cancer, your sign and First House of the PHYSICAL body and self-concept on June 20th, the means to actualize your insights and intuitions in practice, should be made clear. Additionally, the Sun in Cancer lends vitality, so take advantage of this empowered time of the year and venture into The Outside. The next day on June 21st, a Capricorn Full Moon culminates in your interpersonal Seventh House of relationship. Opposing the pleasure planet, social Venus, this Full Moon offers EMOTIONAL gratification through shared experiences and making special memories with loved ones, be they familial, romantic or platonic.

Early June offers you MENTAL expansion regarding your aspirations, as well as the organizations, communities and teams that support you in their accomplishment. The planet of intellect, communication and skills, enters its sign Gemini, your Eleventh House of groups and goals on June 3rd. Mercury is very potent here and thanks to a conjunction with elevating Jupiter, encourages you to think big in terms of your community involvement. At the Gemini New Moon on June 6th, initiate this profound vision alongside a trusted team, it’s likely to be a success! Athletic endeavors take center stage this month, as the planet of PHYSICAL strength and valor, Mars, enters your prominent Taurus Tenth House on June 9th. While Mars is the signifier of guts and glory, it is inhibited by the placid nature of Taurus. You’ll have to grind harder for a win until July 20th, as Mars tires easily in Venus’ sign. Rest up and recover for raw willpower will have to see you through. A need for recuperation is highlighted as your ruler the Sun, signifier of lifeforce, enters your reclusive Cancer Twelfth House of solitude and contemplation. A yearly event, the Sun always journeys through Cancer before coming home to Leo for your season of peak vitality! This is ideal for quiet reflection and solitary SPIRITUAL practices like meditation or more literally, silent retreats. June 21st’s Capricorn Full Moon in your Sixth House of labor and health matters, emphasizes how your EMOTIONAL well being is improved by some time spent away from life’s hustle and bustle.

Your ruling planet, Mercury, signifier of MENTAL acumen and communication, enters your sibling sign, Gemini, on June 3rd. This is in your most public and prominent Tenth House of profession, achievement and leadership. With messenger Mercury in this part of your chart, it journeys alongside the sagacious counselor, Jupiter. Prepare your notes, as you are beckoned to lead the charge as a thought leader or at least, share your voice with an audience. On June 4th, Mercury connects with Jupiter in a conjunction, emphasizing the both liberatory and lucrative potential of unapologetically speaking your mind! Jupiter is the signifier of positive manifestation, success and prosperity, so generously sharing any nuggets of wisdom you have garnered through real life experience could expand your public profile and bring great prestige. Just be certain to prioritize the SPIRITUAL and material benefit for others first! June 17th onward, Venus, signifier of romance and relationship, is in your Cancer Eleventh House of teams, networks, communities and your benefactors within them. This transit is another beautiful indicator of abundance and success this month, particularly through group collaborations and teamwork. EMOTIONAL warmth, altruism and mutual care, are likely to predominate in your social sphere, as new opportunities flow toward you with ease. Plan an outing with friends for the days surrounding June 21st, as a Capricorn Full Moon culminates in your Fifth House of celebration, PHYSICAL play and pleasure. Thanks to an opposition to Venus, this could possibly be one of the most enjoyable days of June.

It’s time to seek out and center community when it comes to your SPIRITUAL practice. A Gemini New Moon in your Ninth House of guides, metaphysical wisdom and higher learning on June 6th, occurs alongside relational Venus, calling you to find your soul tribe. Gemini is an incredibly social sign, so you are well supported in this quest. Whether a club for entheogenic enthusiasts, a casual meditation circle or an online group discussing the philosophical implications of alien intelligence, choose curiosity, experimentation and connection! Community building could be helpful for your MENTAL health as well, as Mars, signifier of strife, enters your Taurus Eighth House on June 9th, a site of tumult, stress, and anxiety. Until Mars leaves Taurus on July 20th, traumas could be triggered and having a spiritual support system is to your benefit. Your ruling planet, Venus, enters the prominent Tenth House of professional life and achievements, on June 17th. Our planetary ruler acts as a signifier for ourselves in astrology, so when Venus is in your Cancer Tenth House, this puts you in the spotlight! Late June is prime for well attended PHYSICAL competitions and even a little showboating! Since Venus signifies allure and magnetism, your public reception should be great, so soak up the applause for once, demure Libran. A Full Moon in your Capricorn Fourth House on June 21st, opposes Venus, indicating EMOTIONAL satisfaction. After they’re done spectating, invite your nearest and dearest out for dinner after the tournament, then take some time out to rest and enjoy some restorative privacy.

EMOTIONS could run high as Mars, signifier of conflict and discord, enters your Taurus Seventh House of relationship and collaborators on June 9th. Mars is challenged when in the Venusian sign of Taurus, as it’s a sign of tranquility, while Mars is aggression personified. As Taurus is in your interpersonal house, you may typically prefer to maintain peaceful relations and stymie anger or other difficult feelings, rather than express them outright. Mars in Taurus prompts you to assert yourself in creative ways and recognize the value of rage. Around June 11th, Mars forms a dynamic contact with Pluto in your subconscious Aquarius Fourth House, conjuring up suppressed anger. but offering powerful alchemy for stuck and stagnant psycho-somatic energy. Pluto signifies catharsis and metamorphosis, so while the contact with Mars could be explosive without a pressure valve, Mars in Taurus encourages a PHYSICAL expression of your natural ferocity. Anything from extreme Vertical Kilometers, to boxing, to taking a freestyle running class, could facilitate your empowerment this month. June 20th and 21st, offer fantastic conditions for both MENTAL and SPIRITUAL blossoming. First the enlightening Sun enters your Cancer Ninth House of wisdom, philosophy and higher learning, on June 20th, meeting harmonizing, social Venus. The next day, there is a fortifying Capricorn Full Moon in your Third House of mindset and local community, opposing the Sun and Venus. You could easily find yourself amongst like-minded people, in an academic or esoteric environment. Gatherings centered on education and shared perspectives are incredibly auspicious and easily enjoyed around the Full Moon.

A period of relational reward arrives in early June, as communication planet Mercury forms a conjunction with both fructifying Jupiter and gratifying Venus, leading up to a Gemini New Moon on June 6th, all in your interpersonal Seventh House. The Mercury transit indicates harmonious interactions and fruitful outcomes in your partnerships and interactions with others, fostered by EMOTIONALLY honest, warm and enthusiastic dialogue. This is especially potent for creative collaborations, with the days surrounding the Gemini New Moon being an auspicious time to initiate projects or foster new alliances. Thanks to Jupiter’s involvement, the bringer of success and gains, these ventures are likely to be successful. On a challenging note, Mars, signifier of harm and hazards, enters your Taurus Sixth House of PHYSICAL wellness and health challenges from June 9th to July 20th. Take extra care during this time to avoid overexertion or injury. Mars is especially challenged in the sign of Taurus, so you are cautioned to be very deliberate when engaged in arduous activity or labor. Although, June also presents excellent conditions for an improvement of your MENTAL state and SPIRITUAL well being. The enlightening Sun will travel alongside clarifying Mercury and easing Venus in your Cancer Eighth house of trauma, loss, grief and anxiety, beginning June 20th. Eighth House transits often deal with hidden psychological wounding, so with the Sun-Venus-Mercury present, you are well resourced and supported to navigate such dilemmas. This is an excellent time to speak with a therapist or other healing professional who can help shed light on that which has remained in the dark.

It’s time for a MENTAL reset in regards to your health practices, fitness and training program. Expert Mercury, enters its airy domicile, Gemini, on June 3rd, sparking an exciting period of experimentation and innovation in terms of wellness. This is especially indicated by a Gemini New Moon on June 6th, a fortuitous new beginning per these aspects of your life. Mercury in Gemini brings relentless curiosity and skillfulness, so through June 17th, optimizing PHYSICAL health programs, being especially technical in application and tracking results in detail, is likely to bring great benefit. Jupiter, planet of success, offers tremendous support in your Gemini house until next year. Athletic and energetic Mars enters your Taurus Fifth House of artistry, sport and sexuality on June 9th, giving you a kick in the butt towards success in these areas. Due to its fixed nature, our Taurus house may sometimes stagnate, so Mars’ entry is welcomed, as he stimulates action and assertion. If your relationships require amelioration, Venus, planet of harmony, passion and romance, journeys through your sentimental, yet guarded Cancer Seventh House of interpersonal connection from June 20th to July 11th. This transit invites impactful new partnerships and warm, nurturing interactions with others. EMOTIONAL vulnerability and mutual tending is emphasized, so whether you’re on the dating market or seeking business collaborators, maintain high standards, only entertaining the most considerate partners. The Capricorn Full Moon on June 21st alongside your Sun or in your First House of self concept, offers an accompanying SPIRITUAL resolve to maintain one’s dignity regardless of the relational dynamic.

June presents effervescent sparks of excitement, as the majority of the month sees both jovial Jupiter and passionate Venus together in your Gemini Fifth House of the creative arts, entertainment, sport and sexuality. With Jupiter in this part of your chart until June 2025, PHYSICAL play and pleasure are especially emphasized in your life. Mercury, ruler of Gemini and signifier of games, enters your Fifth House on June 3rd and with an immediate conjunction with Jupiter, presents huge opportunities to achieve victory and success in competition by way of brilliant Mercurial strategy. Through June 17th, look forward to an EMOTIONALLY rewarding period. Since Jupiter and Venus are benefic planets, they will strongly affirm your Fifth House pursuit of happiness. And June 6th’s Gemini New Moon supports this! Occurring alongside Jupiter-Venus-Mercury on June 6th, you’re encouraged, in true Geminian fashion, to be insatiably curious, embrace the magic of chaos and a wicked sense of humor. On June 17th, Mercury, signifier of analysis and technique, moves into Cancer, along with relational Venus. In the context of your Cancer Sixth House, the site of healthcare professionals, fitness and wellness practices, this could denote a desire to enrich relationships with those aforementioned health experts, seek out more support, as well as to make especially rewarding changes to your PHYSICAL fitness program. Later in the month offers SPIRITUAL reprieve, as a Capricorn Full Moon in your Twelfth House of solitude and contemplation opposes social Venus, encouraging you to prioritize rest, inner peace and meditative quiet in the days surrounding June 21st.

June onward, offers an opportunity for SPIRITUAL fulfillment and an expansion of faith in yourself, as Jupiter is now in your Gemini Fourth House until June 2025. Jupiter increases, encourages and improves, so in the Fourth House of personal foundations, inner life and the core self, Jove offers you greater self confidence and sincere belief in a purpose for your life. Magical Mercury’s entry into its home sign of Gemini on June 3rd, further emphasizes this enchantment. Although June 6th’s gorgeous Gemini New Moon, truly kicks off this empowering new chapter, with EMOTIONAL clarity and an enhanced relationship with both yourself and your chosen family. The Fourth House is the place of family and home life, so expect especially constructive and stimulating conversations in the coming weeks with those you live with or are related to. On June 9th, Mars the warrior’s entry into your Taurus Third House, excites the mind, though could also sharpen your tongue, so be mindful of your communication. Mars in Taurus can be challenging, as Taurus is slow-going and methodical, while Mars is quick and reckless. Give yourself grace and practice patience if presented with conflict or any MENTALLY taxing tasks through July 20th. June 9-13 presents the most acute challenges of this nature. And on June 20th, the invigorating Sun joins clever, playful Mercury and sociable, creative Venus in your Cancer Fifth House of PHYSICAL sport and artistic expression. This makes late June a fantastic period for deeply memorable experiences with social outings, athletic events, vacations, or while enjoying culture.