February presents much opportunity for SPIRITUAL liberation and EMOTIONAL development. On February 1st, harmonizing Venus meets transcendent Neptune, the activating North Node and materializing Moon, in your Pisces Twelfth House of contemplation and solitude. This rare conglomerate of celestial powers, urges you to take the discipline of self-reflection more seriously, thanks to Saturn in Pisces steadying influence. A Pisces New Moon closes the month as well, emphasizing an introspective turn and the renewal of your interior life. In the midst of this, on February 23rd, your athletic ruling planet, Mars, finally ends its long retrograde in your Cancer Fourth House of sanctuary and the subconscious. With warrior Mars in direct motion, shelved ambitions and goals are resuscitated, while your MENTAL path forward is clarified; victory and public prominence are favored at this time.
Takeaway: Read Being a Human by Charles Foster.

The power of teamwork is emphasized by the conjunction of your relational ruling planet, Venus and unifying Neptune in your Eleventh House of groups on February 1st. Life affirming inspiration or transcendent experiences may arrive through your affiliation with others. This union is a sweet spot of social success prior to Venus’ transit into your introspective Aries Twelfth House on the 4th. Due to March’s retrograde, Venus remains in Aries through June, encouraging you to take a more solitary, contemplative approach to life in the months ahead. Meditating on the importance of personal autonomy and your role within team dynamics, could inspire SPIRITUAL healing. Transformative new approaches to sharing your voice are clarified by the conjunction of Sun–Mercury in Aquarius in your highly visible Tenth House of leadership on February 9th.

Profound shifts of worldview are inspired this month, as a Leo Full Moon in your Third House of personal mindset, routine surroundings and kindred support systems, arises on the 12th. Your ruling planet Mercury, signifier of cognition and MENTAL frameworks, sits in your philosophical Aquarius Ninth House opposing the Full Moon, becoming a conduit for a radical perspectival pivot. This revolutionary change manifests from an unexpected or otherwise obscure source. Whether remote viewing or METAPHYSICAL breakthrough, sharing boundary-pushing insights or fresh concepts with the wider world becomes a source of notoriety once your ruler, eloquent Mercury, enters limitless Pisces on February 14th. Offering foresight and creatively inspiring many people is emphasized, as a newly evolved public voice begins to coalesce at February 27th’s Pisces New Moon. Practice flexibility and embrace optimism for best results.

Perhaps the most critical transit for Cancerians this month is the end of Mars’ retrograde in your sign. The discordant and warlike planet has potentially been a source of PHYSICAL affliction, restlessness and moodiness, since early January. This retrograde may have correlated with a period of recalibration or recovery, regarding one’s overall wellbeing and direction. Yet beyond February 23rd, life proceeds full speed ahead. Dampened passions and dormant ambitions are resurrected. A part of moving forward with your goals is maturing your philosophical orientation towards life. Private contemplative insights or SPIRITUAL visions, could inspire an expansive revision of your modus operandi, as the Pisces New Moon on February 27th indicates. Bridging a compassionate, freeform way of seeing the world with disciplined action, offers an enlightened path of self-development and maturation.

An electrifying Leo Full Moon culminates in your sign on February 12th, instigating a radical new chapter or breakthrough regarding your reputation, vocation or public platform. Playing the maverick and pushing boundaries is emphasized, thanks to a galvanizing aspect with Uranus, signifier of rebellion, eccentricity and the unexpected. Uranus is in your Taurus Tenth House of public image and prominence, so experiment with or simply be freer with what may be an ossified public persona. If you pursue competition or other PHYSICAL endeavors leading up to or at this Full Moon, personal notability, success and leadership is favored. With the bonus of a strategic and multitalented team. Although, once your enlivening ruler, the Sun, enters your nebulous Pisces Eighth House on the 18th, flows shift toward privacy and recovery.

Passionate, creative and mutually beneficial exchanges occur through relationships and social engagements throughout February. The month begins with a dreamily romantic conjunction of sweet Venus and euphoric Neptune in your interpersonal Pisces Seventh House. This cosmic lovefest is effusive and full of optimism, exalting the beauty of shared success. As the Seventh House indicates all other people, this includes fellow enthusiasts, teammates or even competitors, yet good vibes radiate from all directions. As loquacious Mercury enters Pisces on the 14th, followed by the illuminating Sun on the 18th, you are called to lead the way in social or peer interactions. This enlightening glow-up sinks in and deepens at the Pisces New Moon on February 27th, encouraging you to practice compassionate action and develop EMOTIONAL wisdom, so that you may be a guiding light to others.

The powerful, vitalizing Sun forms a union with skillful, analyst Mercury in your Aquarius Fifth House on February 9th. This conjunction in your house of PHYSICAL culture, play and leisure, bodes well for presiding over strategy, gameplay, and statistics. Though, due to a tense contact with the maverick, Uranus in your Eighth House of trials and losses, unexpected challenges and power struggles could arise within your own ranks. As issues between mutually invested parties are possible, Venus’ transit through your interpersonal Aries Seventh House beginning February 4th, acts as a helpful salve. While your ruling planet Venus is uncomfortable in Aries, relational friction could spark excitement, fostering confidence to pursue your unique passions and go your own way. Nurturing a careful balance between conscientious leadership and confident autonomy is key.

Throughout February, inspire, create, imagine and play. In many ways, this month is one in which you could get reacquainted with your inner child. On February 1st, Venus, signifier of arts and culture, meets Neptune, signifier of ecstasy and bliss, in your Pisces Fifth House. This house belongs to youthful wonder, fun, romance and games, so with a number of planets journeying through Pisces, related topics are especially highlighted in your life. Still, all of this is up for significant renewal as February comes to a close. On the 27th, an EMOTIONALLY potent Pisces New Moon forms a tense, yet catalyzing aspect with magnanimous Jupiter in Gemini in your shadowy, transformational Eighth House. Opportunities arrive in mysterious ways following this New Moon, so cultivate an open disposition, dynamic attitude and healthy sense of humor.

Your apprehension of finances within the context of organizations undergoes a sharp turn as mercantile Planet of passion, luxury, magnetism and pleasure, Venus, enters your Fifth House of play, romance and artistry on February 4th. Due to a retrograde beginning in March, Venus is here until June. The beginning of this transit signifies an increase in social affairs, PHYSICAL enthusiasm, flirtation and pure recreation. You could find greater delight in competition and share tough, yet thrilling, bonding experiences in relationships. An honest sense of camaraderie amongst teammates or with other athletes may be hard won but loyal and natural, once secured. A dramatic Leo Full Moon in your Ninth House on February 12th, punctuates mid-month, offering MENTAL clarity, pertaining to work, health or fitness. Unexpected events could arise, inspiring a SPIRITUAL reorientation and reevaluation of your life’s direction. For best results, graciously take the reins and act only with clear intention.

Your everyday life is up for profound renewal this month, with magical implications for your SPIRITUAL awareness. From the very start, on February 1st, harmonizing Venus and transcendent Neptune meet for an inspiring conjunction in your Pisces Third House of daily mindset and your local surroundings. Venus, the lovesick artist, meets soul-stirring Neptune, the intoxicating mystic, producing phantasmic visions and powerful healing through intimate relationships. You may even realize a growing desire to collaborate on a creative group project or be of some other benefit to your community. This is also an auspicious period for integrating a regular, personal ritual to commune with your conception of the divine. At the Pisces New Moon on February 27th, consider incorporating and updating traditions associated with your familial heritage for extra oompf.

A meeting of perceptive Mercury and the enlightening Sun in your First House of selfhood, offers you a personal development breakthrough. Thanks to a galvanizing aspect with Uranus, overcoming self-imposed yet long enduring MENTAL inhibitions, is possible at this time. A far more lucid, emancipatory vision of your life purpose and personal potential can be activated. A focus on leadership and confidently sharing your voice in the pursuit of the collective good could become a formative endeavor. This growth may be most directly felt and reflected within an interpersonal context. The Leo Full Moon in your Seventh House of allies on February 12th, suggests big surprises through relationships and attracts mavericks to you who further disrupt outdated ways of connecting with others, urging a more honest self-expression.

February could be one of the most enriching months of your year. Venus, especially powerful in your sign, forms a conjunction with Neptune in Pisces on February 1st that’s both ecstatic and uplifting. The congregation of Neptune, Venus and the Moon in your sign at the start of the month, denotes heightened imaginal, artistic and intuitive powers. You may feel like a sensitive antenna picking up on every subtle permutation EMOTIONALLY, as well as in your outward environment. Aligning with core passions and desires, manifests as blissful creative expressions and mystical experiences, throughout the month. By February 23rd, action-oriented Mars goes direct in your Fifth House of artistic output after a long retrograde, indicating boundless horizons are opening for pleasure, artistry and play, at the Pisces New Moon on February 27th.