A fiery Sagittarius New Moon conjunct warrior Mars really kicks off the month with a bang on December 12th! This empowered new beginning takes place in your Ninth House of SPIRITUAL belief and quests for meaning. Intrepid Mars in Sagittarius encourages a quick and passionate embrace of a new worldview, just be wary of overzealousness or being overly defensive of your viewpoints. Take this opportunity to expunge aspects of your outlook that limit or hinder your capacity to hold complexity. Sagittarius is a sign of vast potential, a desire for knowledge and discovery, so lean into philosophical exploration! The illuminating Sun meets expressive Mercury in your Capricorn Tenth House of professional life, reputation and leadership, on December 22nd. All eyes are on you and you’re being heard. A word of caution though, Mercury is retrograde at this conjunction, so be sure to have notes prepared before any presentations or speeches, as retrograde Mercury can lead one to misspeak or suffer a MENTAL blank. Retrograde Mercury retreats to your Sagittarius Ninth House the following day, leading you to further assess and revise the perspectives born out of the New Moon earlier in the month. Just in time for the holidays, on December 26th, a heartwarming Cancer Full Moon culminates in your Fourth House of home, familial roots and your EMOTIONAL foundation. Jupiter, planet of joy and plenty, forms a fruitful aspect to this Full Moon from your Taurus Second House of PHYSICAL nourishment. The symbolism of this beautiful moment indicates quality time spent with loved ones, rest, feasting and relaxation. Yet, make space for an expansive contact between existential Saturn in Pisces and this New Moon which encourages serious contemplation and constructive time spent in solitude as the year ends.

December 12th’s Sagittarius New Moon brings psychological clarity and catharsis by fire! Considering that red-hot Mars is in conjunction with this lunation in your Eighth House of hidden matters, crisis and EMOTIONAL trauma, the latter half of December is an excellent time to get very real with a psychologist, trusted mentor or therapist! New Moons denote a new beginning, so consequence really comes to full fruit over the following two weeks. While lingering wounds could be triggered – generous empathy, fearless truth-telling, the therapeutic power of humor and embrace of professional wisdom, all bring healing light into this challenging house. On December 22nd, the illuminating Sun and perceptive Mercury join forces in your SPIRITUAL Capricorn Ninth House of metaphysical beliefs and worldview. Impactful insights and prudent, yet visionary, ideas could manifest for implementation in your life. This conjunction forms an enlightening aspect to the great sage, Jupiter, in your sign. Major progress is possible regarding your personal betterment as the month continues. Although, keep in mind that both Mercury in Capricorn and Jupiter in Taurus are retrograde, so be patient as the rewards of this transit may not materialize until the new year, once both of these retrograde planets turn direct. Following this conjunction on December 26th, a Full Moon in your Cancer Third House of mindset, habitual activity and close kinship, directs your MENTAL attention to those steadfast people and spaces that support you most. This is a beautiful time to host a potluck! Generously share your love by honoring your chosen family and local community with care and nourishment. Jupiter’s direct motion in your sign on December 30th, ends 2023 with a boost to your vitality! Energy levels stabilize and PHYSICAL fitness is reprioritized as the planet of success returns to form and encourages your excellence.

December is a great month to foster deeper bonds with those who assist you in maintaining your PHYSICAL wellbeing. Venus, signifier of camaraderie, enters your Scorpio Sixth House of fitness, healthcare and wellness professionals on December 4th. It may be time to finally gift your trainer something special for the holidays! And if you don’t celebrate, simply cultivating a tighter relationship with your doctor, PT, nutritionist and the like, is favorable at this time. A renewed take on relationship is further emphasized at the Sagittarius New Moon in your interpersonal Seventh House of “the other” on December 12th. This lunation is a conception point, with a confident Sagittarian Mars in attendance, inviting more passionate, EMOTIONALLY frank, sometimes braggadocious but definitely philosophical people into your life throughout the latter half of the month. The challenging side of Mars in Sagittarius is zealotry, people who actually enjoy bombastic argument, rather than measured debate. While wisdom, enthusiasm and humor will be in no short supply, some interactions could get spicy! After the Solstice, on December 22nd, there is a Sun-Mercury conjunction in your difficult Capricorn Eighth House of MENTAL duress, hidden matters, crisis and trauma. Mercury, planet of criticality and perception, is retrograde when the conjunction occurs with the enlightening Sun, indicating profound revelation. Secrets, psychological wounds or formerly concealed information could be brought to light for comprehension. Instead of fearing this moment, consider how recognition could lead to integration and healing. As the year comes to an end, on December 30th, Jupiter, planet of magnaminty and SPIRITUAL wisdom, ends its retrograde in your introspective Twelfth House. Enjoy yourself, though be sure to include solitary contemplation and self-reflection in your New Year plans!

Planet of esotericism, Neptune, goes direct in your Pisces Ninth House of SPIRITUALITY and quests for meaning on December 6th. With the cessation of Neptune’s retrograde, comes a mystical expansion of your worldview. Venus in Scorpio supports this metaphysical renaissance with a positive aspect to contemplative Saturn in Pisces, making your spiritual practice a source of joy and space for creative exploration. Beginning with Mercury in Capricorn’s retrograde on December 13th and coming to a head at the later Sun-Mercury conjunction, it’s time to reassess interpersonal dynamics. Mercury retrograde is a period of review and return, in your case regarding Seventh House relationships. Mid-December comes with an EMOTIONAL trigger warning! Former partners, romantic or otherwise, could come back into the picture! Though fret not, the December 22nd Sun-Mercury conjunction offers the chance to reach enlightened understanding. An impressive moment of PHYSICAL empowerment arrives on December 26th, with a nourishing Full Moon in your sign! As the Moon is Cancer’s ruling planet, this is especially refreshing for you. Jupiter, planet of advancement and a secondary ruler of Cancer in traditional astrology, makes a fruitful contact with this Cancer New Moon, ensuring athletic advancement and personal growth within the container of team support. The month and year come to an end with a frenetic Mercury-Mars conjunction in your Sagittarius Sixth House of health, fitness and wellness practices on December 27th. When the planet of one’s MENTAL state, Mercury, meets the planet of activity, Mars, in the house of health, we want to take special care of ourselves. Overconfidence and pushing limits is not advised; heed your trainers advice to avoid injury, try out a mindfulness app, visit a therapist. Prioritize safety and meditative patience.

Intense EMOTIONS define the first week of the month, as relational Venus enters your Scorpio Fourth House of private self, personal foundation and roots on December 4th. The following day, Venus makes a rewarding contact with existential Saturn in your Pisces Eighth House of crisis and duress. This could coincide with discomfort at home or in familial relationships. Yet, advocating for healing justice, receptivity and empathy, could reshape even the most entrenched conflicts, ushering in last-lasting reconciliations. A Sagittarius New Moon in your Fifth House of art, play, PHYSICAL sport and pleasure, marks an enthusiastic new beginning in athletic ventures. In conjunction with the athlete Mars, this New Moon indicates the second half of December is an exhilarating time for team competition or just casual rides with friends. A lunation in Jupiter’s buoyant fire sign demands a boost to your heart rate, plenty of laughter and centering your joy. At the Solstice on December 21st, the Sun enters your Capricorn Sixth House, illuminating matters of health and fitness. Thereafter, the Sun forms a conjunction with a retrograde Capricorn Mercury, planet of intellect, communication and data, providing serious MENTAL insight regarding your wellbeing, training and nutrition programs. Speak with experts and professionals who can assist you in optimizing your wellness practices. Relatedly, the Cancer Full Moon in your Twelfth House of solitude, introspection and retreat, could bring sage professional mentors into your life or even increase your SPIRITUAL authority in the eyes of the world. That is thanks to a helpful contact with wise Jupiter in your Tenth House of vocation, leaders and public life. Be willing to accept constructive criticism, be it from a trusted colleague or even your therapist, to make the most of this moment.

Your ruling planet, sharp and nimble Mercury, enters your playful Capricorn Fifth House on December 1st, which is a net positive for PHYSICAL sport during the first half of the month. If you have tournaments scheduled during this period, your finely tuned strategic impulses should be heightened. Although, by December 13th, Mercury begins a retrograde, placing Mercurial technique and skillfulness per your Fifth House athletic pursuits, in a state of restraint and reassessment. Once the Sun enters Capricorn at the Solstice on December 21st, conjoining Mercury, new insights into your athletic potential is possible. December is an ideal month if you seek to apply your exceptional MENTAL acumen for societal benefit. Activism, charitable efforts and equal rights, all fall under the auspices of Venus, planet of harmony, sympathy and grace. Venus enters your Scorpio Third House of the local environment and your mindset on December 4th, the next day forming a constructive aspect to enduring Saturn in your partnership house. This month, seek camaraderie with those who share your values and together, set forth to make a positive impact in your community. On December 12th, a New Moon in your Sagittarius Fourth House of one’s foundation, the private self and familial roots, occurs alongside an enthusiastic, though sometimes self- righteous Sagittarius Mars. Planet of discord, Mars, could sow seeds of EMOTIONAL zealotry and conflict within at this time if you’re not careful. This New Moon calls for honest self-assessment and candor, served with a generous helping of magnaminty. On December 30th, Jupiter, signifier of belief, wisdom and optimism, ends a retrograde in your SPIRITUAL Ninth House that began September 4th. If you’ve felt off-course or lacking in purpose recently, Jupiter direct should be an uplifting salve, inspiration arrives in abundance.

The month begins on a high with your ruling planet, Venus, signifier of harmony, remaining in your sign until December 4th. Before leaving for Scorpio, Venus forms a contentious, though dynamic aspect to underworld power player, Pluto, in your Capricorn Fourth House. Venus brings balance to extreme Pluto’s impact, so take advantage of the first three days of December for PHYSICAL catharsis and personal empowerment. Engaging in transformative fitness or self-care practices could be deeply therapeutic, as Pluto engages your foundational Fourth House of the core self. When Venus enters Scorpio, the journey shifts to balancing your Second House, a site of bodily nourishment; time to make an appointment with a certified nutritionist! The stimulating Sagittarius New Moon in your Third House of MENTAL patterns, learning and communication, arrives December 12th. Visionary ideas begin to strike like lightning and intellectual enthusiasm soars, as fiery Mars conjoins this New Moon. The Third House also relates to projects and skill development, so that which you initiate mid-month, will come to great fruition through hard work two weeks later, especially after Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, ends its retrograde on December 30th. If you seek SPIRITUAL illumination this month, a clarifying and constructive Capricorn Sun-Mercury conjunction occurs in the rooted Fourth House of your hidden self on December 22nd. Mercury is retrograde at this time, so tap into your intuition, turn inward, and introspect, to discover the light in the dark. As the year comes to an end, a beautiful Cancer Full Moon rises in your Tenth House of vocation, leadership and public life. Your EMOTIONAL truth is honored at this time, so being vulnerable in a professional setting, could be seen as inspirational to others, rather than detrimental to your standing.

Planet of harmony and ease, Venus, enters your sign on December 4th, forming a constructive aspect with Saturn in your Pisces Fifth House of PHYSICAL pleasure, play and sport. This is a fantastic week to pursue athletics for the fun and social benefit of it. With Venus’ involvement, treat yourself to a deep tissue massage or trip to the spa afterwards. Seeking balance between intense physical activity and physical satisfaction is highly favored at this time. Mercury enters your Capricorn Third House on December 1st, sharpening your mind, though on the 13th when Mercury goes retrograde, a period of reassessment and review begins, ending January 1st. Mercury’s retrograde in your Third House of MENTAL patterns, skill development and self-expression, is like participating in remedial courses. Learning, process implementation and communication could feel like one step forward, two steps backward. Be patient, as the ability to focus and advance begins to return by the Capricorn Sun-Mercury conjunction on December 22nd. A few days afterward, there is an optimistic Full Moon in your Cancer Ninth House of metaphysics, philosophy and belief systems. Jupiter, planet of wisdom and prosperity, makes a creative contact with this Full Moon, encouraging an abundance mindset and solidifying relationships centered around shared SPIRITUAL beliefs. On December 30th, Jupiter ends its retrograde that began on September 4th. Forward motion of Jupiter takes place in your Seventh House of interpersonal relationships, contracts and EMOTIONAL exchange. This could mark a breakthrough moment of fortuitous developments in relationships or negotiations. As Jupiter rules your Second House of personal finances and Fifth House of romance, this could have an expansive impact on your income and love life as well, an excellent way to close out the year!

Between December 4-6th be sure to prioritize rest and SPIRITUAL retreat. Harmonizing Venus enters your secluded Scorpio Twelfth House on December 4th and immediately makes an expansive contact with introspective Saturn in your Pisces Fourth House. This Venus-Saturn aspect encourages a creative though solitudinous approach to mysticism. Neptune’s direct motion in your Fourth House on December 6th only emphasizes this. Privately pour your heart out in art, dance, poetry or music as a healing practice, no sharing or self-critique needed. Lightning strikes on December 12th, as a power packed New Moon reinvigorates your sign! Confident and buoyant Mars in Sagittarius conjoins the New Moon, assuring that centaurs will be PHYSICALLY energized. An ideal day for competition or to initiate a new training program, just be mindful of your limits to avoid strain or injury. MENTAL Mercury begins a retrograde in your Capricorn Second House of personal resources and finances. Through January 1, 2024, set your mind on reviewing and reforming your relationship with money and possessions. A better structured financial life is possible through experimentation, patience and adaptability during this transit. By the month’s end, retrograde Mercury will have returned to your sign and will meet Mars in Sagittarius on December 27th. EMOTIONS could be on high later this holiday season and thanks to a discordant contact with illusive Neptune in your Pisces Fourth House of family, trouble may arise at home. You may not be seeing things clearly, so be wary of being overly aggressive or saying something you would regret later when the communication planet meets feisty Mars. As disconcerting as it may sound, Neptune in your Fourth House also encourages compassion toward family, so maintain an open heart and mind!

An excitement for PHYSICAL play arises on December 7th. The planet of games and movement, Mercury, forms an opportunistic and triumphant aspect to generous Jupiter, planet of success, in your Taurus Fifth House of sport. If competitions or tournaments are scheduled at this time, Jupiter’s penchant for reward should bode well for you. By December 11th, Mercury in Capricorn also makes a positive contact with the other benefic planet, Venus, in your Scorpio Eleventh House of groups. The period between December 7-11th is especially fortuitous for Capricornians involved in team sports. The following day, on December 12th, a New Moon in your Sagittarius Twelfth House of SPIRITUAL contemplation, solitude and self-undoing, calls for a greater level of self-awareness. Your psychological shadow is spotlit at this time with Mars the troublemaker alongside the Sagittarius New Moon. Over the following two weeks, choose to radically address and integrate unconscious habits that undermine your growth. On December 21st, the enlivening Sun enters your sign, inaugurating an annual revitalization, as well as the greater potential for visibility, honor and excellence. The Sun represents clarity, creative intelligence and total comprehension, so on December 24th when the Capricorn Sun forms a fruitful contact with an existential Pisces Saturn, your MENTALITY can be primed for serious undertakings. If you have major projects that you’re working on, education that you’re pursuing or a small business you’re growing, this is a wonderful time for pragmatic development. The month closes with a Full Moon in your Cancer Seventh House on December 26th and fulfillment arrives through interpersonal relationships, particularly your closest partners and teammates. Loosen up your typically businesslike attitude in favor of EMOTIONAL vulnerability, pleasure for the pleasures sake and quality time together.

Planet of harmony, desire and connection, Venus, enters your Scorpio Tenth House of vocation and public life on December 4th. A Venus Tenth House transit is always of note for its positive indications regarding professional standing and reputation. As shrewd as it may seem, EMOTIONAL sincerity can be a very effective marketing approach or lobbying tool when this social planet is in your career house. And on the following day, December 5th, Venus will form an expansive and fortunate contact with enduring Saturn in your Pisces Second House of earned income, resources and possessions. If you work for others, this is a great opportunity to form strategic, long-term alliances with powerful seniors or to lobby for an increase in income, such as a raise or bonus. While for those self-employed Aquarians, engaging with the public in an authoritative, direct and authentic manner, could have a beautiful long-term impact on your earning potential. By mid-December, SPIRITUAL reflection becomes your focus as the MENTAL processes planet Mercury, begins its retrograde in your introspective Capricorn Twelfth House. The illuminative Sun joins Mercury here on December 21st and forms an insightful conjunction the next day. Brilliant ideation, otherworldly visions and inner revelations could occur in quiet spaces of solitude. Prioritize your peace of mind and right to boundaries, especially on the 21st and 22nd before retrograde Mercury exits Capricorn, retreating into Sagittarius. PHYSICAL wellbeing draws your attention as the year closes. A Cancer Full Moon in your Sixth House of fitness and health on December 26th, represents a fruition of your efforts, as related to wellness practices. If you’ve recently dedicated yourself to a new training method or nutrition regime for example, this Full Moon should coincide with substantive, positive results.

SPIRITUAL renewal arrives between December 4-6th as relational Venus, your secondary ruler in traditional astrology, enters your Scorpio Ninth House of belief, wisdom and divinity. This transit invites like-minded mentors into your life and a fruitful contact to existential Saturn in your sign, inspires a reformation of your worldview. METAPHYSICAL Neptune’s direct motion in your sign on December 6th aides your embodiment of this renascence. The end of Neptune’s retrograde also ushers in a feeling of clarity, as if leaving a dense fog, further enhanced by the month’s end when your primary ruler, expansive Jupiter, also goes direct. Diffusive Neptune’s direct motion lends itself to increased vitality, so if training results have been difficult to grasp since June 30th, a shift could arrive, especially by the re-energizing Sagittarius Sun – Pisces Neptune square aspect on December 16th. This holiday season holds an EMOTIONALLY exciting Full Moon in your Cancer Fifth House of pleasure and play on December 26th. The Fifth House is the site of sport, leisure, entertainment, creativity and youth, so squeezing in a trip to the slopes or ice skating rink is encouraged. Full Moon’s are climactic, so in the positive Fifth House, enjoy yourself to the fullest, a good time with loved ones is almost guaranteed! As 2023 comes to a close, your ruler Jupiter, planet of fortune, finally turns direct and ends its retrograde that began on September 4th. This profound moment encourages the implementation of all that you’ve learned since then, as progressive skill development and a proliferation of fruitful ideas infuses your daily life with optimism. Jupiter’s direct motion in the cognitive Third House is often a balm for one’s MENTAL wellness. Cheers to you Pisces, as you end this year on a very high note!