For Best Results, Read Your Rising Sign

For best results read your rising sign.


Mars, your gritty and fearless ruling planet, spends the majority of the month in your fellow Mars-ruled sister sign, Scorpio. This is an excellent period for your MetaPHYSICAL Fitness, as your ruler is well resourced in its resolute and surreptitious water sign. Additionally, the enlivening Sun is in Scorpio and superpowers Mars through November 22nd. If anything, be cautious when pushing your P*S*M*E* limits.! Venus, planet of relationality, compassion and sweetness, enters your Libra Seventh House on November 8th, offering you EMOTIONAL enrichment and fruitful connections through December 4th. Make time to treat your lovers, dearest friends and business partners to pleasant dates and outings this month. And if you’re seeking new companions of any variety, this is a fantastic time to meet people and solidify beneficial bonds. Beginning with the entry of Mercury on November 10th, followed by the Sun on the 22nd and Mars on the 24th, your zealous Sagittarius Ninth House of wisdom, philosophy and SPIRITUALITY, blazes brightly throughout the month. Especially after November 22nd, discomforting, yet refreshing insights could strike like lightning! It’s possible throughout the month that your worldview is challenged and expanded. By the end of November, you’re called to dissect and expunge some aspects of your MENTAL outlook as a result. A Gemini Full Moon in your Third House on November 27th supports a critical relinquishment regarding your mindset and approach to daily life. 


Your ruler Venus, planet of pleasure, relationship and harmony, enters your PHYSICAL health focused Libra Sixth House on November 8th. Venus also rules Libra, so this is a beautiful opportunity for self-care, as well as rebalancing your relationship to wellness and the professionals who support you. From doctors, to trainers, to therapists and nutritionists, Venus in your Sixth House seeks camaraderie and mutual regard. Honor your worth this month and choose to work with those who align with your values. November 13th’s Scorpio New Moon in your Seventh House, coincides with an intensely EMOTIONAL new beginning in your relationships. This New Moon represents a reset in your closest partnerships, though with a provocative Scorpio Mars in the mix, the potential of an emergent conflict or final severance should not be ignored. By November 22nd, the enlightening Sun enters your Sagittarius Eighth House of occult SPIRITUALITY, hidden matters and intimate entanglements. The Eighth House is a site of relational endings, so it is possible that the Sun energizes those challenges. This Sagittarius Sun also forms a contentious square aspect with Saturn in Pisces in your Eleventh House of groups and society, illuminating conflicts within your teams. The month closes with a Gemini Full Moon in your Second House of money and material values, drawing all MENTAL focus to your financial circumstances. Releasing or nullifying obligations to other parties, whether financial or emotional, is in your best interest. 


On November 3rd, relational Venus opposes quixotic Neptune in your professional Virgo Tenth House. EMOTIONAL developments within the context of home and family could lead to artful and ecstatic experiences in your career. Saturn in Pisces’ direct motion the next day, November 4th, further indicates the crystallization of a newly creative approach to your professional endeavors. On November 13th, a New Moon in your Scorpio Sixth House, brings a renewed attention to your health and PHYSICAL well being. Surprising predicaments are possible, as shocking Uranus in your Taurus Twelfth House of self-undoing opposes this fierce New Moon; be wary of injury or illness. Following the New Moon, focus on the externalized dimension of your SPIRITUAL life, engaging in activism or performing acts of service in your community. The Sixth House is related to humanitarian endeavors, so with positive aspects to empathetic Neptune in your Pisces Tenth House of public life, performing charity around November 17th is both an important act of goodwill and an opportunity for positive recognition. On November 22nd and 24th, the Sun and Mars respectively enter your Sagittarius Seventh House, instigating conflict and entertaining sensationalism in your relationships. By the Gemini Full Moon on November 27th, you come to deeply personal and clarifying realizations in these partnerships. A MENTAL health reset regarding your self image and personal potential is on offer. This may require the relinquishment of connections that no longer resonate with who you are in the process of becoming. 


On November 8th, Venus, planet of compromise, harmony and compassion, enters your Libra Fourth House of roots, foundation, home and family of origin. Venus joins the contemplative South Node in Libra, pointing toward EMOTIONAL catharsis and release of long held, impacted sentiments. Through December 4th, seeking healing around intergenerational patterns and family dynamics is well supported by Venus, planet of grace and accord. Throughout the month, your Scorpio Fifth House of recreation and athletics, creative arts and sensual pleasure, is fervent with activity, as both the glorifying Sun and competitive Mars are there until the 22nd-24th. Your Scorpio Sixth House is a site of deep passion and fierce drive. As its sign ruler, scrutinous Mars, excavates this part of your life, you can delve into sports psychology to sharpen your edge. November 10th, the planet of MENTAL acumen, intellect and systems, enters your Scorpio Sixth House of health and wellness. Followed by the illuminating Sun on November 22nd and courageous Mars on November 24th, this month is one of powerful holistic remediation, including intense PHYSICAL fitness training, profound therapeutic breakthroughs and clarifying domestic clearouts. Utilize November as a Balboa-esque training ground for your future victories. A November 15th, Scorpio New Moon, supports this realignment of your athletic priorities. A sense of deep relief comes late, as the Gemini Full Moon culminates in your Twelfth House of retreat, blind sports and clandestine activity on November 27th. Seek solace in seclusion and surrender, as this Full Moon offers SPIRITUAL lucidity and soothing of anxiety. 


Through December 4th, Venus, planet of sweetness, peace and harmony, enters your Libra Third House of MENTAL processes, close kin, local environment and communication patterns. This transit indicates a positive period for one’s mental wellbeing, cultivating community, as well as a fruitful time to spend with one’s chosen family. The Third House also has associations with learning, projects and developing skills, so with Venus here, working on your art or other creative pursuits is favorable. November 13th’s Scorpio New Moon is the answer to last month’s intense Taurus Lunar Eclipse in your public Tenth House on October 28th. For Leo’s, this means the week of the New Moon is an ideal time for rest, reflection and SPIRITUAL regeneration, as it occurs in your private and EMOTIONALLY foundational Fourth House. Taking a step back from professional achievement and visibility, not only recharges your internal  battery but actually sows the seeds for even greater success moving forward. Jupiter, planet of growth, reward and success, opposes the New Moon from your career house, infusing it with positive potential! Mid-November astrology is essentially a much needed siesta, as stimulating Mercury, the vitalizing Sun and ambitious Mars, all enter your athletic and playful Sagittarius Fifth House on the 10th, 22nd and 24th, respectively. Late November into December promises to be an exciting and joyful time for competition or tournaments. Your PHYSICAL energy will likely be cashed out by the month’s end, so ensure you savor every moment of rest you can get!


On November 6th, Venus in Virgo, forms a growth and expansion oriented trine aspect with the metamorphosis planet, Pluto. Evolutionary Pluto is in your Capricorn Fifth House of PHYSICAL play and pleasure, so this profound contact encourages you to approach endurance sport as a soulful and deeply transformative praxis. As Venus is in your sign, this is likely to be a creative and enriching transit that also allows you to better comprehend and embody the artistry of sport. Planet of perception, thought and discernment, Mercury enters your foundational Sagittarius Fourth House on November 10th, refining your inner inquiry skills and heightening EMOTIONAL awareness. As Mercury is the planet of communication and the Fourth House relates to home and family of origin, this transit may include constructive conversations with family members. A Sagittarius Fourth House is best expressed through a gracious heart and open mind. On November 13th, a Scorpio New Moon, in your Third House of MENTAL processes, communication skills, local environment and close kin, marks a clarifying new beginning for your outlook. This New Moon occurs alongside Mars in Scorpio, indicating that hidden, yet potent, dynamics are at play that will likely be revealed by the end of the month. Just be prepared for an element of surprise, as the maverick and planet of shock, Uranus, opposes this New Moon. Expect that which fruits by the Gemini New Moon on November 27th, to be of a SPIRITUAL nature; Uranus casts its influence from your Taurus Ninth House of philosophy, wisdom traditions and worldview.


Your ruler Venus enters your sign on November 8th, marking a new beginning for you both PHYSICALLY and EMOTIONALLY. With your ruler back in Libra, you should feel restored, in mind, body and spirit. Venus soothes and sweetens, so embrace this transit until December 4th, as a period to embrace gentle somatic practices, like physical therapy, bodywork and massage. Venus in your sign and First House of self indicates a harmonious period for your internal life, as self-care and warm self-regard takes precedence. This is a time for friendly vibes, kindness and even romance. Venus opposes your Seventh House of interpersonal relationships, so you appear especially charming and approachable throughout this transit, magnetizing a surplus of potential suitors, business prospects and new friends! MENTAL wellbeing and mindset play a tremendous role throughout the next two months, as Mercury enters your Sagittarius Third House on November 10th, followed by the Sun on the 22nd and Mars on the 24th, expect a profound expansion of your perception and mindset. Mercury in a fire sign Third House, electrifies the mind, firing up inspiration and visionary ideas. As the enlightening Sun and scrutinous Mars join Mercury here later in the month, there’s an intensification of your mental processes and urge to learn, so take advantage by joining workshops, classes and discussion groups. This mental revolution leads directly into the Gemini Full Moon on November 27th, a climax of SPIRITUAL realization and intellectual development. Stay curious and be willing to change your mind on the fly, for maximal reward!


Energy is on high as the month begins with your indefatigable ruler, Mars, as well as the enlivening Sun, in your sign and the PHYSICAL First House of your chart. On November 3rd, the Sun in Scorpio opposes Jupiter, boosting your energy levels and empowering you to succeed in anything you commit to! An excellent time for competition and tests of shear strength. With professional guidance, push yourself in training to expand your current limitations. A New Moon in your sign on November 13th, sets the stage for immense personal development, especially as related to fitness and physical ability. Mars departs your sign on November 24th, so this month is climactic. On November 8th, Venus, planet of harmony, enters your Libra Twelfth House of SPIRITUAL contemplation and introspection. If you’ve felt exhausted, self negating or stressed, this transit gives a period of retreat and restoration. Consider how you can improve your metaphysical hygiene until December 4th. A couple days after the Venus ingress, Mercury, planet of intellect, MENTAL acuity, planning and strategy, enters your Sagittarius Second House of personal finances and resources. While attention is drawn to your funds and approach to money throughout the majority of the month, it’s really after the illuminating Sun and hairsplitting Mars join Mercury here on the 22nd and 24th, that you enact striking budgetary measures. This financial journey culminates at the EMOTIONAL Gemini Full Moon in your Eighth House of external resources and support provided by others. Making serious cuts or eliminating expenses may not feel good at this time, though could be necessary.


Venus planet of friendship, ease and relationality, enters her air sign – your Libra Eleventh House – on November 8th, opening you up to beautiful opportunities for connection. The Eleventh House is related to society, networks, teams and our aspirations; in this place we meet those who help us make our dreams a reality. Until she departs for Scorpio on December 4th, make the most of this transit by intentionally seeking EMOTIONAL affinity with new friends and building Libran communities centered in peace, equity and compassion. On November 10th, Mercury, the planet traditionally related to movement, games and sports, enters your sign, prompting you to prioritize PHYSICAL play and pay more attention to your overall well being. Additionally, Mercury in your sign sharpens your MENTAL acuity, giving you great focus and a strategic edge over the competition! As the vitalizing Sun and vigorous Mars respectively join Mercury in Sagittarius on the 22nd and 24th, the end of the month becomes an immensely fortunate time for victory in contest, major fitness gains and boldly asserting your will. Although, as your ruler Jupiter is still retrograde, be sure to follow up all of this intense activity with plenty of recuperation and restorative bodywork! A moment of SPIRITUAL clarity and retreat from the hustle of this month, comes along with the Scorpio New Moon in your contemplative Twelfth House on November 13th. While not entirely an island of peace for Sagittarians, this New Moon in conjunction with Mars in Scorpio, demands an active engagement with your inner life, alongside a courageous recognition of your own shadow traits. 


After a retrograde lasting nearly five months, your ruler Saturn goes direct on November 4th. The end of Saturn’s reassessment takes place in your Pisces Third House of mindset, daily practices and communication habits. If you’ve felt like you have been wandering through a brain fog since the retrograde began in June, the forward motion of Saturn signifies renewed MENTAL clarity. A few days later on November 8th, Venus, planet of harmony, affinity and magnetism, enters your Libra Tenth House of achievement, public image and vocation. Venus in the Tenth House, invites you to display EMOTIONAL intelligence and graciousness in your professional life, while respecting your sincerest desires and firmly asserting your values publicly. November is an incredible month to express compassion and creativity out loud. The Scorpio New Moon on November 13th supports this, representing a bold new beginning within your communities, team and organizations. As loyalist Mars in Scorpio meets the New Moon and opposes the planet of surprise, Uranus, you may see unexpected divergences with longtime comrades – alliances will be tested. Yet, following perceptive Mercury’s ingress on the 10th, the enlightening Sun and righteous Mars enter your Sagittarius Twelfth House on November 22nd and 24th. This indicates a powerful month for developing SPIRITUAL courage and internal resolve in the face of adversity. A Gemini Full Moon in your opposing Sixth House of PHYSICAL health and fitness on November 27th, acts as a release valve, helping you sweat out any self defeating frustrations with the aid of your coach or trainer!


November begins with metaPHYSICAL expansion, as your ruler Saturn, planet of discipline, resilience and stability, ends its retrograde on November 4th. The direct movement of your ruling planet should feel like an exhale, a release from Saturn’s reformatory. Time to implement that new training program you’ve been considering and restructuring your fitness goals. Saturn is now better empowered to support your maturation. Blissful Venus enters your inspired and purposeful Libra Ninth House of belief systems on November 8th, casting a beatific aspect upon your sign. As Venus rules Libra, SPIRITUAL delight and sweet connections with fellow believers are indicated. Until December 4th, make an effort to get out in the world and engage with like minded communities. Throughout the month, your MENTAL concern is potentially absorbed by your Sagittarius Eleventh House aspirations. An especially intuitive Mercury arises in Jupiter’s expansive fire sign – the planet of intellect and perception spends the month here beginning November 10th. Alongside the communication planet is a sagacious Sagittarius Sun and audacious Sagittarius Mars, who respectively join Mercury on the 22nd and 24th. Much of your energy is spent on building with, or when necessary breaking with, your networked relationships and teams. It’s all about the value added to your endeavors here, so act wisely! November 27th’s EMOTIONALLY electric Gemini New Moon in your Fifth House of play, artmaking and pleasure, opposes a bold Mars in Sagittarius: keep a clever and cool head in sport to achieve victory. Intractable wars of words with teammates or competitors is the less favorable alternative.


Since early June, Saturn has been retrograde in your sign, bringing out the planet of lethargy’s sluggish side! You may have noticed that your energy levels have seemed suppressed and not entirely stable since mid-summer. Though on November 4th and afterward, PHYSICAL drive begins to return with force. The retrograde period of rest, personal contemplation and retreat may be coming to a close, though Saturn offers the determination needed to rebuild your wellness lifestyle; new and improved. Be patient with yourself out of the gate and ease toward reforms. At the same time Saturn returns to direct motion, Venus opposes dreamy Neptune in your sign, a tranquilizing planetary contact that is best suited for early bedtimes the first week of November. A clarifying New Moon in your SPIRITUAL Scorpio Ninth House of belief systems and wisdom traditions on November 13th, is inspiring and potent! Paired with Mars, the ruler of Scorpio, this striking New Moon could mark a dramatic reset in your outlook on life. Go deep within to be reborn without. An opposition to Promethean Uranus invites profound breakthroughs. You’ll be glad you laid low in early November, as beginning with MENTAL Mercury on the 10th, followed by the authoritative Sun on the 22nd and assertive Mars on the 24th, your Sagittarius Tenth House hosts an intensely exciting set of planets. Expect to be quite active and in the spotlight as the month comes to a close! A Full Moon in your foundational Gemini Fourth House arrives on November 27th, offering you a climactic opportunity for EMOTIONAL realizations. These internal developments could springboard you into ever greater heights in your public life, yet the challenge is to strike a balance between bold professional prowess and peacefully nourishing your soul at this Full Moon. 

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